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Kit of the arts

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About Kit of the arts

The channel is the medium to explore & question, personal experience, of a controversial & emotionally charged work of fiction by Naughty Dog studio.

The channel footage of 'The Last Of Us Two' content, is my effort of questioning the audience & creators.

Playing as Ellie & Abby brought up a lot of issues & questions, surrounding whether or not highly sensitive people are negatively affected.

The first question posed; whether the Autistic subconscious experience, can experience forms of PTSD, induced by real memories, related to past violent traumas.

Able to read people & remain on the same wavelength during reviews.

Are highly intelligent people, more or less likely to commit crimes, as a result of enjoying VR games?

Contextual engagement with game industry professionals & academic research.

Personal Motto: Working For Financial & Psychological Independence.

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