France travel disruption to last all weekend after arson attacks | BBC News

Hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics, coordinated arson attacks on three lines of the high-speed TGV network on Friday caused chaos for travellers.

French rail company SNCF has warned that disruption from Friday's sabotage against the country's train network could last until the end of the weekend.

In a statement issued on Friday evening, SNCF said traffic "would improve" on affected lines on Saturday thanks to the work of thousands of rail workers.

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コメント (21)
  • @Sjoldschool
    My travel plans were disrupted but I consider it an act of God that I didn’t endure the awful drag show and blasphemous recreation of the Last Supper. I won’t be watching the games because of it.
  • @zetamale
    France has been so peaceful recently. This is so out the blue.
  • @Primo420
    Times Radio are blaming Russia 😂 The sooner legacy media & the BBC disappear the better.
  • @PickeringSamuel
    "we want to get back to the sport" While the rest of the world is on fire lol
  • @Uouttooo
    So no arrest even for the older incidents? WoW!
  • @rossknowles5608
    i didnt need to attack the UK infrastructure. it's already falling apart
  • @LEE...337
    They'll be blaming iran and china next...🙄
  • @JK_JK_JK_JK
    The opening ceremony was Terrible!!! 😣👍
  • @yvonnesmith2115
    Must really annoy the bbc that the french olympics is a shambles. 😂
  • @willhall4037
    This is too suspicious. Transport to Paris not being monitored just prior to the Olympics, is insane.
  • @JohnJaneson2449
    Okay now this sounds like something Klaus Schwab would do. 🤨 Stop messing with my transport, Schwab! Schwab: "hoooorrrrkkk zzu veeel eeed bugchs and be happy yezz?" Me: "no! We feed the bugs to chickens and we eat the chickens you creep!" Schwab: "but zee colors in zee candies are from zee bugchs" Me: (eating candies 😋🍫) "shut up, Schwab."
  • @rangersnut
    It will likely be folk in their own country who don't want the games and folk who have been protesting. Also after blocking the truckers and the French fishermans antics blocking things, I have no sympathy. Rule Brittania 🇬🇧
  • So sorry for the people who had to wait for hours and who’s plans were disrupted by these acts of sabotage. In terms of Paris and the authorities and the circus they are facing due to their disorganization and incompetence I say it serves them right! Last year arriving from London at Gard du Nord station I was pushed and pickpocketed screaming at the top of my voice while watching these despicable people hand my wallet from hand to hand completely free of any interference or surveillance. None of one came to my aid, I had to walk for 15 minutes until I found the police office where I was scorned for not speaking French, bullied and discouraged to file a report since this everyday situation was according to the clowns in that office “out of control”. To even have to hear such rubbish after being attacked by a bunch of thugs. If they can’t install enough cameras, if they can’t provide adequately trained personnel and resources what the hell are they doing hosting the Olympics??
  • So not even 75,000 soldiers and police from 44 different countries could protect public transport, great.
  • @086guti
    That is a boicot from Frenchs, fed up of olimpic games measures