Can Pain Be Educational


コメント (21)
  • Pain is the greatest teacher. Not in the "hurting someone that isnt doing what you want" but in the "Ouch! Maybe I shouldnt touch the Hot Stove again" type.
  • Aba therapy (for autistic children) sometimes used an electric shock ( only very recently mostly banned) designed to hurt worse than a tazer. They used it every time they did something "wrong," like rocking back and forth. In a few places, it technically still isn't illegal and could still be in use in america in these specific areas. It is really weird and horrible that something like this has been allowed at all during recent times.
  • @Zyssah
    Pain is definitely educational. 1 min and 45 secs into this video I found a wasp in my bed. And by “I found a wasp in my bed.” I mean a wasp stung me while I was laying in bed. I learned that I need to seal my window around the AC unit better, I learned that I know more interesting ways to cuss than I used to, I learned that I can still vault over a couch when motivated to get a fly swatter, I learned that a wasp sting feels exactly like jamming a sewing needle into your hand and wiggling it around. Then after the wasp was no more I learned that it was a paper wasp and they are less aggressive then yellow jackets only when you don’t accidentally grab them. The last things I learned before coming and posting this completely unnecessary comment is that tomorrow I will be spraying around my window with peppermint and replacing my current curtains with red ones. In short pain is educational! Look at all that sparkly new knowledge I have now! 😂 🐝 🤕 😣
  • @senntai
    Kishimoto before writing nagato's arc:
  • 0:30 Damn Terrence Howards always be catching strays on this channel 💀
  • "There are two types of pain. Pain that hurts, and pain that hoits weally weally badwy" -Denzel Washington
  • I think it can be educational if the person consents, because then they don't feel like control has been completely taken away from them - they chose to subject themselves to pain in order to learn. Otherwise, it's a super mixed bag. Negative reinforcement has a place, but PHYSICAL negative reinforcement is far more difficult to nail.
  • Saw the title and thought this was a direct shot at Houston Jones 😂
  • @Chiefwiz69
    Those Skill Check mats are sick. I want one.
  • Me and my magic playgroup use a "take-backsies" card that you can take when you make a mistake and then undo it, but you cant use it again until someone else takes it. We use the card Jesters Cap and have also started using the card Dingus Egg. really helps with slight mistakes but cant be abused
  • Makes me think about that Russian saying; "The same water that hardens the egg, will soften the potato" Whenever I've seen it around, people say they're using it to mean "Not everyone responds the same way to a specific teaching method", and I HARD agree. Tho in general, purposely putting yourself or others through pain isn't exactly a good teaching method for anyone. Theres a lot of stuff your body does under that stress, and it causes a lot of permanent damage over time. Stuff like excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol damaging muscle around your body (like your heart, which doesn't heal very well). You can also get addicted to the dopamine hit your brain gets every time you feel physical pain, which is obviously a massive problem cause it will just make you hurt yourself more. Then theres the aspect of having a lot more injuries taking more vitamin C than usual to stay scared over properly, risk of infection, risk of permanent nerve damage. Then theres the psychological pain aspect, which I don't even want to get into right now because I hate typing on iphone. Just gonna say that its still not a good thing :')
  • Aww, I love the cute picture of Aerith in the background 😊 And I see Cloud standing in front of the technicolor sunset, lol!
  • that conclusion hits me like a freight train lmaooo