Palestinian factions meet in Beijing to sign a unity declaration | DW News

Published 2024-07-23
Chinese state media say rival Palestinian factions including Hamas and Fatah have signed a declaration in Beijing to unite the two groups. The two groups have competed for power in Gaza and the West Bank for years. The so-called Beijing Declaration is aimed at strengthening Palestinian unity and involves more than a dozen Palestinian factions. Hamas is considered a terrorist group by the US, EU and other states, but not so by China. Israel swiftly rejected the agreement adding that Hamas's rule "will be crushed."

0:00 Rival Palestinian factions meet in Beijing to sign a unity declaration

2:36 Ahmed Aboudouh, Associate Fellow, Middle East and North Africa Program, Chatham House


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All Comments (21)
  • @pk3778
    "Oslo accords" died the moment the ink dried on the document, because the occupation only expanded----democracy works for whomever resists the occupation the most, not for collaboration....
  • DW, why u are publishing less reports from Gaza? Even tho the bombardment killings n genocide intensify.
  • @lifisher6134
    dude why it is so hard to recognize others effort? do you think at least they are proactively try to move forward?
  • @egnielson
    Is this why you’re so late talking about the story? It took you time to figure out how to frame something objectively good in a negative light and find a stooge to agree with you?
  • China could negotiate among Iran and KSA which was more hostile why can't PLA & Hamas Leaders resolve
  • the Palestinians have decided to reconcile and it is Israel and the United States who are angry. how to explain this?
  • @datboib3432
    Any deal is a good deal! As long as it’s signed in china, in front of chinese cameras , written on chinese paper, using chinese ink from chinese utensils all from a Chinese company ! 😂
  • @politicas3361
    So Israel now need to invite the competing Tibetan factions to the Knesset to make China give up Tibet. Wonder if China will take that seriously?
  • @zsarimaxim692
    The analyst completely ignore the fact that Israel has already torn the Oslo accord, so there is nothing left for any Palestinian faction to continue negotiate on.
  • @user10u7
    Mosad has taken over the comment section already 😂
  • @Tigers.779
    DW A terrorist supporter recognises a resistance group a terror 😂😂😂
  • @Majabe21
    U.S. and western they support racist white South African apartheid. The same countries are supporting Israel racist apartheid state. These are the same colonial Western democracy
  • @ChopinLuke
    This is something you would expect a super power does to keep the world in peace. Your guest didn’t think it will help on the regional peace but we all realize that it is the first step to PEACE. No one expects that it will happen in one night. Without the first step, you won’t see the light in the tunnel in the Middle East. Great job, China!