How I Cured/Controlled my OCD

Published 2016-11-14
Currently continuing my attempt at improving my health after more than a decade of dealing with an eating disorder and severe OCD. You can follow me on instagram to keep up if you so wish :)


Disclaimer: These are methods which worked for me. It is possible they can work for you too, but I would always recommend seeing a GP and a specialist to determine the best course of action for you on an individual basis. We are all different and things which work for some of us won't necessarily work for others. This video is meant more for motivational purposes than anything else. I hope it sends a message that no matter how much you're currently suffering, there is always hope for recovery.

I say 'cure' a lot in this video, and I suppose what I mean is 'completely under contro'l. My OCD no longer affects my life, I no longer have to listen to the impulses it gives me and it rarely gives me these anymore, if at all.

Remember that I am speaking from experience and am not a medical professional.

All Comments (21)
  • @Fayzer03
    There are many people who think OCD is just about perfection and being very clean. They don't know what we go through in our minds.
  • @auDipquid
    Never take this video down and never delete this account. You don't know how much good you've done here.
  • Most Effective thing for me was what Mark Freeman said, "Fight Compulsions not Obsessions."
  • @827gkr9
    I have ocd and my doctor told not to fall for the thoughts. My thoughts and my compulsions are somewhat similar to yours. I am on the path to recovery and this video motivated me to keep going. As you told, hope was the only thing that kept me going while I was suffering from it. Anyone who has OCD and reading this comment should remember that this is completely curable and you have to be optimistic that you will get through this.
  • @kylemcgrath5796
    My OCD is like a Government. My mind has to approve of something and then it becomes a law that lasts for a long time. So I have to not follow the rules and break my minds laws.
  • @patrickking9600
    My OCD success story: After 10 months of a catastrophic onset of OCD and anxiety when I was 12 years old, and praying to God every day for relief, He finally gave me the answer. I got out of bed one morning and of course felt the fear that if I didn’t get both feet on the floor just right, at the same time, then something horrible would happen to me. Or to my family. This is just one of dozens of fears and rituals I had. But this time when I felt the anxiety about doing or not doing the ritual, I got an idea: I’ll just jump in the shower and maybe I can forget about it for a few minutes. I remember trying not to think about it in the shower, and failing, but when I got back to my room another idea hit me: I can just do it later, right after school or something. I had given myself an out, just a small one. And suddenly my anxiety wasn’t as strong! Halfway through my school day, sure enough, it dawned on me that I had genuinely forgotten about my unaccomplished morning ritual. My first big win! I realized that it was possible to not think about something for a minute, an hour, a month, etc.. The next few days were miraculous. I just stepped away from every single ritual when I was tempted to give in. I remember just physically moving myself to my various siblings bedrooms in order to distract my own unwanted thoughts. And then later I’d think back and remind myself that even though I hadn’t done the rituals, nothing bad actually happened to me or my family. It wasn’t until years later I learned that I’d actually had a condition called OCD. My earthly father and my heavenly Father had taken me by the hands and walked me out of that world of mental anguish. Be strong. Big love.
  • @FireXConor
    I just got over my OCD too, it was sooo bad. I would get stuck in the bathroom, because I was busy washing my hands, or cleaning myself after I used the restroom. It was a nightmare, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But eventually, it just evolved into incredibly ridiculous things, like the thought that my left hand was out of control, and touching dirty things, even though I NEVER did anything! Finally, I decided enough was ENOUGH, and I just told myself this in my head: “I did nothing bad, it’s all just a trick. I can’t live like this forever, once I’m out of the restroom, I’m clean. No buts. No discussion. And I’m CERTAINLY in control of my own body! All this obsessing over cleaning is just not worth it, it’s better to kiss it goodbye.” And finally, it’s over. Everything is so much clearer now and I feel great!
  • @xierstel5297
    This video gives me a lot of hope for the future. I'll be the first one to admit that I have it better off than a vast majority of people who suffer from OCD/Pure-O OCD. I have the great privilege of being able to go months at a time without intrusive thoughts and minimal desire to do compulsions. But when it hits, it hits really fucking hard. 24/7 obsessive thinking with constant anxiety, lasting anywhere from weeks to a few months. Currently going through one of those rough periods, but stories like yours help make me more optimistic. Thanks for sharing.
  • @deckearns
    I have done what you have done. I did it years ago. Counting, blinking, swallowing, buttoning my clothes, light switches.... The works. I still have some ticks and I notice them but I dismiss then instantly. Only those close to me might now notice (I still blow on my hands, but it's literally barely noticeable). Getting to this stage wasn't easy but it's very possible. You just have to NOT do what's in your head and see what happens... Nothing will happen! Eventually, I promise, it will reduce. Start small, grow more each day, it will work. Thank you for your post. I honestly thought I might have been the only person to 'discover' this method of self healing but now reading here there are many who have done the same. For me it was desperation that started me to take control. Stay strong to those who are suffering, you can do this. ❤️
  • @harvisingh8874
    OCD people. You have very strong minds. I believe if you fight through this. You will actually develop a will power stronger than anybody else.
  • @rufylopez4377
    you are right in the spot with everything , I've been dealing with ocd all my life and I can say you will live up to 100 if you put your faith in God.
  • @aneesh2k71
    Mam, You saved my life . i have downloaded your video and i watch it whenever ocd goes out of control. It gives me lot of strength if like you can do so can i . i started using your method i dont feed the ocd thought whenever it comes , i just i ignore by saying a sentence( its ocd dont think )in fast and it goes away. i am now having weeks without ocd . thanks again
  • Thank you for being brave enough to share this. It’s so hard to explain these thoughts and put them into the right words. You did a beautiful job and really helped me feel like I’m not alone and I’m not crazy ❤️
  • @typhonmimic4122
    My life was getting hell day by day.After watching this I regain the interest of living.Thank you.
  • This video is amazing. I know it was posted a couple of years ago, but this is a perfect description of OCD and has given me some strength to try and start again and not give up.. thank you
  • @helperboy5020
    this was very refreshing . ive been having ocd for 25 yrs plus. I guess i never pushed through, and hav lost so so much in life. i take meds, and that doc is the only support i have, and i only talk with him briefly......... so this video is very much hope providing. Thx lady.
  • Great video! I've been struggling with horrible OCD and intrusive thoughts for years and hearing your story has helped give me hope that I will overcome this someday. Thank you
  • I just have to say that I've watched your videos for years and when I saw you talking about your OCD... I've literally never heard someone explain my own life so well. You are one of the first people to word out the feelings I've been dealing with myself for so long and I commend you and I'm so proud of your progress. I have lived my entire life with OCD that manifests itself in new ways everyday but it no longer controls my life. Thank you so much for your honesty and bravery 💕💙💜🦋
  • Thank you, it’s so much easier to listen to someone that knows and has explained this, thank you