"Being Diagnosed As OCD Doesn't Make The Doubt Go Away" | Listen Up | ABC Science

Published 2022-10-26
At 23, intrusive thoughts took over Martin’s life. Now he’s learnt to live with obsessive-compulsive disorder and wants to help others.
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OCD is a recurring intrusive thought, which can cause despair, disgust and anxiety in the individual. They can start do something physical that attempts to alleviate or neutralise that intrusive thought, also known as compulsions.

OCD affects more than 500,000 people in Australia. Nearly 3% of people in Australia will experience it in their lifetime.

For more resources and support on obsessive-compulsive disorder, visit: www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/types-of-a…

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All Comments (21)
  • @-SimonRiley
    Trying to “solve a thought” is only something people with OCD can understand
  • @matthewcrome
    I suffer from this exact thing (I have been diagnosed with OCD but have rarely talked about my darkest obsessions)! Fear that I'll become a sex offender, sadistic serial killer, or similar kind of evil. Fear of getting into relationships for multiple reasons, including not wanting to let people know about my thoughts. I also ruminate over past decisions and agonize whether I'll make the right one.
  • @justmadeit2
    Anything around sex ocd is the worst ever, you feel paranoid about talking to therapists etc. it’s hell on earth
  • I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with OCD. Spent my whole life fighting OCD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @justmadeit2
    Your ocd mind will remember intrusive thoughts or strange thoughts you had from 20 or 30 years ago and given the right circumstances it will come to the surface again and overwhelm you to the point of despair even if in that 20 year period you’ve managed to dismiss the thought. If you suddenly become vulnerable through a depression etc then it can come back and floor you and give you a breakdown. Ocd can be like a virus that never goes away fully
  • @rufusbayne2230
    There are two conditions I believe society has a tendency to trivialize: OCD and Bipolar Disorder. How often have you heard someone say "You're so Bipolar" or "Stop being so OCD"? Living with OCD or Bipolar Disorder can be hell. They're nothing to joke about.
  • @ellehacker3168
    As someone who has struggled with OCD from a young age, seeing others share their stories is inspiring because you know you’re not alone. Also, it’s shocking how broad OCD is and how many different types of obsessions and compulsions there are. The brain is so interesting!
  • @elaRRman
    i swear to god , that part of me thinking if am evil or am loosing it because of having intrusive thoughts , italmost still haunting me but i managed to get over it . Thank God that as soon as the thoughts started i went on phycologist and he explained me that this is something that happening to other people as well and am not crazy so that made things hella better for me . Before therapy(i did only 1 time thus far) i literally thought that am just crazy and the end of my saint days just came . I was wrong obv , but the thing with this thoughts is that even if i manage not to take them as serious and not feel guilt for things i havent even done , its still make me anxious here and there and i wish i never had OCD
  • @bigmaguire9714
    Feel for this guy man. I have OCD too and get all kinds of intrusive thoughts, including sexual ones. Im doing well but damn it can be hard with OCD as it never goes away, you just have to learn to cope with it use tools you have learned.
  • @pulvenberg1709
    Started having intrusive thoughts in 2020. If it was not for a wiki article stating that those are indeed just thoughts and I'm not evil and unsavable, I wouldn't be here. It is difficult living with this though. Very difficult. And I don't even have those thoughts that often. I'm happy that changed, because I would overthink and spiral.
  • @DoctorBeees
    Greetings from Finland! Thank you for talking about this publically and giving exposure to what OCD can look like. :) You are certainly not alone
  • I notice my intrusive thought OCD flares up when I’m going through massive life changes. Sometimes your brain will try and protect you from harm by rerouting negative emotions into something that at first may seem impossible or ridiculous, but as you ruminate more and more, it feels like you’re giving the intrusive thoughts credibility and almost admission of your own guilt. If you are reading this, you are not alone, it happens and you can live with these thoughts. Move forward with your life and do not waste your years living in fear. The thoughts will come, give you fear and anxiety, you will acquire avoidance behaviours, and sometimes it may interfere with your personal relationships. Keep living, and you will find that when the intrusive thoughts lose their power and eventually go away, that you’re stronger and will be more empathetic to yourself for surviving the struggle of battling your own mind.
  • Thank you for having the bravery to talk about this. My OCD was sever from the time I even have memories. I had these same sort of intrusive thoughts as well as many others and even though I was diagnosed with OCD at 5 no one explained to me it wasn't just compulsive behaviors it was intrusive thoughts. I didn't fully understand my condition till I was 20 and started to study psychology, and until that time I thought i was just a bad person. I hope others can discover the truth sooner.
  • @carter7937
    I had this obsession years back and it was debilitating as hell. I was able to overcome it with therapy and medication (which I'm still on today). You're not alone and it does get better!!
  • As a human and as a person who went through self struggle and getting the help that is required in the right moment in life, I truly moved by his speech and the courage when he shared his story. It is true that the more you speak about it the less power it has❤. Those last words of his should be made into big billboard quotes and should be put out. "We ALL Have our Daily life struggle and it's upto us to work on it...still working on it on Every single Day". wonderful one to watch😊