Jujitsu shenanigans is a great game with terrible players

Thank you owen88812 for making my day. This video took a good while to make but it was fun editing.

コメント (21)
  • The thing I hate about JJS is that people play like their literal lives are on the line, going full sweat or running away, all because they're addicted to getting their kill count up instead of actually fighting for fun
  • @Levire_
    Another shit thing, some people see you ulting and go ultra monkey mode and start focusing on you. With Gojo's and Itadori and don't a problem with that, they can handle that pretty well. But with Megumi and Hakari is so fuckin frustrating. You spent 10 minutes getting your ult, use it, and because your awakining is ass you just get stomped if ganked. Mahoraga have this problem more than any other character, the amount of times the entire server gank a mahoraga and he dies because of ritual is insane.
  • @Groofball2
    I saw a group of people (most of them were women and like 1 femboy) in the bathroom at the train station 💀💀💀💀
  • The Xbox Shark after meeting A PlayStation Dolphin:
  • Getting teamed in this game is a nightmare. The amount of times Gojos keep using lapse blue on me is insane. Theyre treating me like im a tennis ball
  • i get where ur coming from but ive joined so many servers where its essentially a war between 2 halves of the server and THATS when teaming is so incredibly fun
  • @aiitweirdo
    bruh talking about teaming, my nigga have you seen jjk LMAOO
  • The second you see jjk cosplayers in a group of 3- 8 people you should run
  • Teaming got so bad in one of the servers I was in that a whole civil war happend there was more lore in this whole 2 hour war than the whole marvel cinematic universe
  • @TON-FRR
    literally just got off the game. had 7 people jump me after i attacked an E-Girl. each of them had like 40 kills and i have 670~ and i won twice 😭😭 then i left
  • @jfkmax
    Also, another problem with me is when people keep targeting after loosin/winning.. like bro, the fight is already finished (it's worse when they win cuz you just gotta stay there and get killed over and over again)
  • I hate when I went to use my domain expansion and this random that I wasn't fighting at all hit me out of my Domain Expansion
  • as if every battleground game isn’t except with some terrible devs exception
  • Glad to see another console player dealing with the same bs, it's pretty comforting.
  • One time, i popped sukuna ult and i walked like 5 steps, then every single person stopped their fight and started chasing me, had the whole server on my cheeks my friends saw it and we were screaming and laughing for like 7 minutes because of how absurd it was after i got killed trying to world slash
  • As a duo who always plays with a friend the majority of the time I would say its pretty fun to fight in a 2v2 situation due to how silly or cinematic it would be most of the time, but teaming in general is infact a massive problem when you could instantly die the moment you get hit, depending on how well the teamers synergies connect, but the energy burst is still pretty effective against an uncoordinated team but if its against actually jumpers on a VC then its a different story since your only real option is to run away and try to damage them one by one to either separate or get your ultimate but even then you can't really use any moves if they are HARD pressuring you.