Is it worth having kids?

Fertility rates are falling across the rich world, as more and more people are weighing up whether to have children. Raising them can be stressful and cost a fortune, but they might bring you a lot of joy. So all things considered, on International Women's Day, is it worth having kids?


00:00 - Is it worth having kids?
00:36 - Do kids make parents happy?
03:12 - Why people used to have more children
04:11 - The expense of having kids
05:24 - Parental leave
08:03 - Childcare
09:42 - The “motherhood penalty”
13:45 - The macroeconomics of children

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Why there are so few babies in southern Europe:

The glory of grandparents:

The age of the grandparent has arrived:

In rich countries, working women and more babies go hand in hand:

Richer societies mean fewer babies. Right?:

A new study finds preschool can be detrimental to children:

How many American children have cut contact with their parents?

Which countries have the most generous child-care policies?

What will Joe Biden’s spending bill do for child care in America?

How America should spend on child care:

Even in lockdown, mothers bear the brunt of child care:

The struggle to reduce the “motherhood penalty”:

The roots of the gender pay gap lie in childhood:

Parents now spend twice as much time with their children as 50 years ago:

What’s the best age to have a baby?

コメント (21)
  • @thomHD
    Irony is intelligent people who would make wonderful parents are choosing not to, while less-fit parents continue having loads.
  • It's as simple as this: If you're not financially/mentally/emotionally stable, PLEASE do not bring children into this crazy world. You're not doing them any favors.
  • @TicoM0la
    Being an uncle.. best thing in the world... Enjoying your nephews while being raised by somebody else .. pure genius ..
  • @IKP1000
    I never had children. If ever I feel a sense of regret sneaking up on me, I spend half an hour in a supermarket or McDonalds and I'm absolutely fine again.
  • Translation: "Please breed, we're running out of minimum wage workers"
  • It never ceases to amaze me people figure out the cost of children AFTER they have them and not before
  • The majority having children don’t think about. They just have them. As a result, we have this discussion.
  • Honestly they call the US a rich country, but when most people can’t afford education, homes, childcare, groceries, transportation, entertainment… maybe we just aren’t a rich country anymore.
  • I am a quiet person and I listen to the people around me tell me they feel sorry for me because I don't have children, they don't understand why and how I can live alone... They are compassionate so I tell them "it's ok" with a smile, and I mean it. They don't realise my hapiness comes from leading a calm and simple, underwhelming life. Less problems, more time to appreciate life and know myself. This life suits me well!
  • @ViceCoin
    Exactly, I meet lots of angry parents, cursing at their kids. As a summer camp counselor, a kid told me, "You treat me better than my parents."
  • If you're not finding joy and fullness in your life until you have kids, you've obviously never tried anything else.
  • @LR-mh8hs
    Corporations want you to have MORE kids. They want a larger workforce (more workers for less money is their motto). By all means, have more kids, educate them and send them off to work. Someone has to make the rich richer.
  • @User24x
    "Children are your greatest source of happiness because they get rid of all your other sources of happiness."
  • @Lola33g
    Women won’t be honest about regretting their decision to make children because they’ll be judged harshly.
  • @thecozyvvitch
    No it isn’t worth it. Inflation is getting worse and half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
  • @carlitoxb110
    I’m childless by choice but I have huge respect for all parents around the world who sacrifice their lives to support them
  • It’s not even about having the money to go travelling, afford expensive meals and go to rock concerts, it’s about that time and space to enjoy what you have in life, to rest, recover and reflect on what you want in your life and what you don’t want. Having kids is like a mystery box, you really don’t know what you’re going to get and whether it aligns with who you are as a person.
  • @slowzhu
    The other thing the video didn't mention is the parents' mental health. My mother was always in a bad mood when I grew up, I always felt very intense at home, so I stayed at my friend's home as much as possible. My mother is healthy and most of the time responsible as a parent, but she didn't have the concept of emotional health. I thought a lot about her issues and temperament, measuring how I do when anxious, stressed, or exhausted. I don't do well. I cannot imagine having a kid and not having the energy to be a patient parent, as any kid deserves. To me, that's really irresponsible.
  • Never had children, never wanted to be a parent but I always have peace of mind! I made the right decision for myself.
  • @RavensFan634
    People don't want children because they don't want to be working a second job, waking up in the middle of the night, disciplining them, spending thousands of dollars just for them to go to college, etc