A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible | Full Movie

This exciting documentary unfolds the fascinating "untold" history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories. Enter into a World of saints and martyrs battling against spies, assassins and wolves in sheep's clothing. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses, etc.

Director: Christian J. Pinto
Writer: Christian J. Pinto
Stars: David Brown, Kirk Divietro, Jack Moorman

コメント (21)
  • @BrotherRoy
    An excellent work and should be watched by all serious Bible readers & students.
  • I became a believer by documentary’s like these and KJV studies. ( 2nd Timothy 2:15) it’s amazing how Christians ( and churches) don’t know or teach this. Plus the Gospel aswell 1st Corinthians 15 verses 1-4. I wish I’d of been more informed about this history and the KJV when I was younger, but better late than never . John.
  • @dcvarro9743
    I love my Bible. I'm so grateful to be able to read it considering it's history
  • Proud to stand up for Erasmus and William Tyndale, whom the Catholic Church abused and defaced, for no more than upholding the truth of what was written in Scripture, and daring to translate it into the mother tongue of his time, so that all may read and learn it
  • One of the most important documentaries on YouTube, we must not forget why we protest Rome
  • This is the best documentary about the Holy Bible I've ever seen. I've already watched it twice before. The narrator has the perfect voice for it. The Holy Bible is still the number one book in publication and sales of all time.
  • @DLucas I'm almost at the end of A Lamp in the Dark and my soul mourns for all people who belong to denominations that profess to be the chosen ones by God yet do little to nothing for others. They always choose to keep 'their-truth' to themselves while watching others go to Hell. I will never understand why many Christians find this fulfilling. I was raised pretty much atheist, yet I knew at a very young age there was more to life than what I was being taught. Dreams of evil forces chasing me started around age 4-5. Soon I didn't want to fall asleep. At the age of 12, I chose to become a Protestant. One night while visiting the Preachers daughter she tried to kill me. We were wrestling, she placed a pillow over my head and sat on it. I struggled so hard I managed to slip out from under the pillow and the weight of her body, then ran quickly from her home. In my early 20's, after attending classes, services and learning everything I could about the Catholic religion, I chose it. Most of what is stated within this documentary about what this church teaches is incorrect! I haven't had ties with the Catholic Church for a decade so I'm not pushing any agenda. I became very ill a decade ago after serving in the church, fostering, adopting, volunteering, etc., and no one provided help for my family nor myself to this day. My husband and I followed Biblical principles, dedicating 30+ years of our lives. Because our relationship was with God first and the Church second, we have never lost our faith in Our Lord, only in mankind.
  • This is a fantastic overview of our history. I never knew the bible was at the very middle of so many historic events. It seems to me to be a miracle that we have the holy Bible, and can read it now, without being murdered.
  • This is one of the best, if not the best documentary on the creation of the Bible that there has ever been, which different Bibles have given us the current KJV Bible.
  • @brucecall1595
    Fox's book of martyrs is a life changing read in my faith.
  • Thank you William Tyndale for translating the Bible in English may you rest in the Lords kingdom Amen
  • @bonnielucas3244
    I am thrilled to find this easy to follow program. Most Christians I have ever met do not know the history of the Bible, because it's too difficult to put it together on one' s own unless it's your formal education program
  • Outstanding documentary thank you Tyndall may you rest 🙏 in peace with our lord Jesus christ amen
  • And our God, our Savior was tortured and hung on a cross, in our place, shedding HIS precious blood for us. The Bible is HIS story, HIS words on how to live this life , so you can have eternal life with Him. Thank You Lord.