
Published 2022-02-18
Adam became unwell, 2 weeks after his first Pfizer vaccine. Thank you so much Adam for this interview and your permission to use it.

All Comments (21)
  • @chilledvibes99
    Hey guys, I am Adam from the video. I just wanted to say that I really wasn’t expecting how nice the comments were. Thanks everyone commenting nice things and people sharing that they have had similar experiences. Love ❤️
  • @paneuro1270
    I have seen several young men who after their second dose of the vaccine ( Pfizer or Moderna) experienced pericarditis. This has been so rare in my 40 years of practicing medicine. The failure to admit these risks in any age group and still mandating these vaccines is basically malpractice. I am also worried about mandatory boosters in patients who had adverse effects from the vaccine. Transparency is crucial and shame on the medical community that continues to cover this up.
  • @robiny.4395
    I was getting angry right along with Dr. Campbell, I remember being younger then Adam, and had strange symptoms and was told on all my visits to the doctor, it must be anxiety, they gave me some pills for it. I kept getting worse having numbness moving up my legs until I finally couldn’t walk. My friends had to carry me into the ER. They finally diagnosed me with Guillain Berra Syndrome. I was in the hospital for a month and was wheelchair bound for 9 months. I’m fully recovered now. His story brought back those memories of being blown off because I was young they didn’t take me serious. I’m praying God will completely heal Adam. He’s an amazing young man, and Adam if you read this you have a ton of support form all over the world. I’m in America. I will never get their toxic jab.
  • @msorani6139
    This is so heartbreaking, especially because he is at zero risk from covid.
  • @lucysnowe31
    Dr. John is so warm, kind, and caring. I'd consider myself to have won the lottery if I had a doctor like him.
  • @FkGoogle
    Thank YOU Dr Campbell for giving him a voice! My brother's best friend (51 yrs old) with Decompensated Heart Failure and aneurysm, my mother now has blood clots throughout her lungs and leg , my coworker WAS a marathon runner suddenly has blood clots (age 43), my 21 yr old niece just diagnosed with MS, my neighbor is suffering polyneuropathy and seizures. THIS IS PFIZER and IT'S INSANE
  • Thank you, Dr. Campbell for your support and effort during this horrible time.🙏
  • @kirab3187
    I couldn't believe how much i could relate to everything Adam said in this video. Very similar symptoms for me here in Australia, 29yo female two weeks after Pfizer. I have been struggling for almost 6 months with these symptoms. Multiple visits to hospital, two chest X-rays, ECG bloods and halter monitors. All came back normal. I finally got onto a fantastic Cardiologist who is treating me for Pericarditis and has put me on Colchicine (actually a gout medication called Lengout). I am about 2 months into the medication and i have felt an improvement. Just wanted to share my story in hope that it could help someone who might be experiencing the same thing!
  • @GermanCarFan22
    So here we have a 22yo healthy male essentially coerced into taking a therapy he most likely did not need. Looking at the age / risk profile for someone like Adam you would easily come to the realization this was unnecessary and now, he is injured with a long term prognosis that is unknown. History will look back on this event and ask how we all allowed this to happen. Poor kid.
  • @yamuiemata
    Bloody hell this is terrifying to hear Adam in today's world reporting these episodes is a courageous act Best wishes
  • You're so brave to talk about your symptoms. You have no idea how many people you are helping doing that. My heart goes to you. I wish you are doing better. Please let us know.
  • @caroliner2029
    An excellent interview John. Thank you. Adam felt seen, heard, supported and his concerns and sufferings validated. This is a precious gift that you give to your injectable poison injured guests. Reflecting back to them what should have happened, and what a normal healthcare professional's response should have been is like soft summer rain after a long drought.⭐
  • @maxrens2444
    I feel ashamed for studying medicine after watching this story... I can't believe almost every medical person he encountered just wiped every other option but anxiety off the table
  • @zuzuspetals8323
    This is sinful. Pfizer should be held responsible for young Adam’s injury and pain and suffering. The hospital’s triage and diagnosis is shameful. Best to you, Adam.
  • @annaandi3087
    Hi Adam, Thanks for sharing your story. We hope you are better -- we are praying for you and all of the vaccine injured! Hang in there!
  • Poor Adam going through all this absolutely heartbreaking. Adam seems such a lovely young man so unfair he has had to deal with all this . Doctor John is so kind and listens so intently. Hope Adam makes a full recovery 🙏
  • @lindaadams3850
    This is absolutely infuriating. There's a reason the manufacturers of these vaccines won't be held accountable. I hope beyond hope that Adam recovers fully. It just makes me want to cry for the thousands if not millions of vaccine injured. Holding Adam and all of them in hope..
  • @Convisis
    If this is a vaccine injury, which it appears it very well is, clearly the medical establishment is utterly unequipped to acknowledge or treat it as such to even the most remotely acceptable degree. We are in a very scary place in so many regards right now, medically, politically and socially. Very, very best wishes to you, Adam.
  • @tripzville7569
    Hi John just dropping in from New Zealand to say my piece. We watched you here in Auckland every morning from the beginning of this, and although I did not always agree with a lot of figures that you were presenting at the time, I sensed you were a true professional ,who knew his business very very well ,and had a very good heart. And thus I said to my wife, that when the chickens start to come home to roost, you would call it as you see it. AND HERE WE ARE. Blessings from New Zealand, John, and thank you for being an educated, insightful ,brave and honest professional.
  • @Gadgetsjon
    The lack of accountability should be criminal. Instead, it's just commonplace.