2024 excess deaths

Published 2024-07-04
OECD data, Excess deaths



UK, Jan 2023 – week 16 2024

Total = 63,455

Weekly average = 7.9%

US, Jan 2023 – week 16 2024

Total = 366,894

Weekly average, 10.0%

Australia, 1 Jan 2023 – week 47 2023

Total = 18,421

Weekly average, 12.9%

Canada, 1 Jan 2023 – week 6, 2024

Total = 59,011

Weekly average, 19.1%

Weekly average for weeks 1 -6, 2024 = 14.6%

Israel, Jan 2023 – week 16, 2024

Total = 7,332

Weekly average, 12.5%

Weekly average for weeks 1 -16, 2024

5.8% 6.15% 12.4% 14.5%
17% 28.8% 20.5% 26%
26.7% 19.1% 21.8% 13.8%
10.3% 15.1% 6.3%

Netherlands, Jan 2023 – week 16 2024

Total = 25,071

Weekly average, 13%

Maintained for first 16 weeks of 2024

NZ Jan 2023 – week 16 2024

Total = 6,303

Weekly average 15.3%

All Comments (21)
  • @tikabonika5591
    I outright refused the jab. Lost work, friends, family. Called every bad name one can come up with. I'm 57, healthy, fit. It blew me away how easily people were misled and fed into all the lies. It was so obvious something wasn't right at how they marketed the jab. Absolutely sickening.
  • I live in Canada and lost my job for not getting the jab.. no doubt in my mind that the worse prime minister we’ve ever had will pay for his crimes
  • @jwilliams3269
    One huge thing you can take away from this is just how gullible most people are. Truly frightening.
  • @risenshine2783
    I am gutted for Andrew Bridgen. Not even mentioned in the mainstream. We have lost a brave and decent man as an MP. I hope he comes onto John’s channel in the future.
  • @tomdunnnz460
    Has anyone else noticed that since covid19 and the vaccine roll out the World seems to have become somewhat deranged????
  • @eline7612
    Never vaccinated, never sick, never tested , never afraid, ....no trust in governments,banks, hospitals, , big pharma....buying only vital things, no victim of consumer society ,...eat healthy, meat fish, eggs, fruit, vegetables..no alcohol, no sugar no medicines, no smoking...eat apples, drink water..sleep...inhale deep exhale long be grateful..close your eyes and smile❤❤❤we will be just fine my dear friends.
  • @Absolute_Goblin
    It's crazy how all of us with a sort of spiritual awareness immediately felt that something was incredibly wrong with this even before they tipped their hand by attempting to force it on us. Imagine the meetings they have behind closed doors. Imagine the evil plans that they discuss. God help us.
  • My competitively athletic mother (was #1 in the nation in 2019) spent 7.5 weeks in ICU from a brain bleed after the 3rd booster. She died along with many other younger people in ICU who came in with strokes and heart problems, just at the time they fired all the nurses for not getting the intervention. Then they were short staffed and nurses were allowed to come to work with mild covid. Now I am watching both my in-laws with rare heart conditions suffer horribly and continue to get the new combo shot booster. Before the shot was introduced they played tennis everyday on their tennis court. They both can barely walk now. The same is true for my step mother. My dad died in November with accelerated memory and health issues. Then my step mother had to have a hysterectomy at 80 years old because of cancer. All of these people shamed us for not getting jabbed and still don't make the comparison that we are healthy and they are rapidly declining. If they were allergic to shellfish they would make the correlation of being sick when they eat shellfish and quickly discontinue eating it. The amazing propaganda process has blinded people who are incredibly intelligent and used to be critical thinkers. I have gone through my anger stage and tried to show people research to read but it's useless. My job now is to nurture those killing themselves with boosters shots as they progress toward their death. It's so hard to watch and my heart is so sad.
  • @ThomasKing19933
    I still continue to worry about friends and family members who took the jab. It's a fear that never goes away. What's been done is unfair and criminal.
  • @missrioux1385
    Yesterday a colleague shared with me she has had 9 jabs. She said she has to because of her immunity and how she has to have them to make her better. Moderna shots. Poor deluded woman.
  • @Anna-yi7vu
    I live in Australia and lost my job in 2021, not one day goes past when I'm not angry and worry about my close family members that have taken these jabs!! Thank God we have some good Senators that are pushing for a Royal Commission Hearing and now the Australian Human Rights Commission are looking into the mandates and coercion of these vaccines! We will never forgive or forget what our Government has done, and will never give up until there is Justice!! Many I know of now have cancer, heart issues, strokes, high blood pressure...... more than ever before!! I have an auto immune disease never took the jab had covid and doing well, go figure.....🤨
  • @ioanpena
    In 2024 excess deaths in Romania was -16.4% ...it had the best results in EU ...also it had the lowest covid vaccination in EU ! A lot of doctors advised their patients not to take the jab for lack of clinical trials. My doctor advised my family not to take the jab too !
  • @orion9k
    My mom 68y also had about 9 jabs(including flu shots) since 2021, she now has been in a wheel chair for 30 days or so and can't walk, she can barely stand up, but she don't believe it's the vax, she is very pro healthcare and pro gov... She been sick with all sorts of things since she started those jabs in 2021, almost got a colostomy at some point in 2022 due to bleeding in her gut, but dodged a bullet there, she had lung bacteria infection 2023, she now has all sorts of autoimmune issues etc. and lately an infection in a nerve that spread to her brain and cant walk now, and she's calling me a Conspiracy Terrorist and I barely been able to get along with her since she started talking the jabs, because she's always angry with me calls me a CT and "anti vaxxer" etc. and at one point kicked me out of her house because I criticized our gov while her propaganda national news media was running on her TV. I tried with every argument I had to make her not take the jabs, I gave her access to all the data, and sources to experts going against the gov narrative and warning about the covid vax before 2021, I am decent educated with a master degree in science, but my own mom choose to believe gov and health authorities instead of trusting her own son. Nothing you can do to these people to convince them, they will do a collective suicide if they are told to do so..
  • @johndewever1322
    Highly vaccinated New Zealand, dropping like flies - but government, doctors, nurses, and media, don’t want to know
  • @cdogg2603
    I'm a retired Canadian physician. In 2021, I took the A-Z vaccine, then Nuvaxovid . . . then Ontario Public Health abruptly cancelled the Nuvaxovid booster and offered only mRNA. I'm still receiving pre-recorded messages from the Ontario Medical Officer of Health urging me to get the mRNA vaccine "since it's been 6 months since the last shot, or natural infection". Plus our prime minister, who learned everything he knows about health care at drama school, made it clear from the start that no one gives him "advice" which he doesn't want to hear. Seeing as how you asked, that's what's going on in Canada.
  • @mrroboto18
    I'm in the US and there are still jobs right now that require the jab. Even if it was just the initial jabs, or just some of the boosters, you need to prove you're on their team. It's completely insane.
  • @spiderbip
    never would have imagined a genocide could be so easily hidden
  • @cantabriaecs
    Canadian here. I have never seen anything like the sickness and death we are seeing here. Heart attacks, heart deaths, cancers, neurological issues. This past year is I think the worst yet. We are seeing so much fallout from the jabs. It is still mandated for health care workers in BC where I live. Thousands have quit because of it and our health care system is now in serious trouble. Thank you for the reports. Great help to us all
  • @user-re9mz2bt1e
    It's amazing the people that took it still expect sympathy after they threatened, fired, belittled, beat, shut down bank accounts, deleting millions of accounts, threatened no medical treatment.
  • @ImaginaryWear
    TY Dr Campbell… I’ve been following this man for a longtime and I value and appreciate what he brings to us. The info he shares has never faltered. Love U Dr Campbell 👊🏽