Getting diagnosed with ADHD! - (my diagnosis story)

If you want to learn more about the whole process of getting diagnosed with ADHD, this video is for you! 🧠

Hey guys! I made this video in response to a few of your comments asking me to talk about my own diagnosis :)
I hope it helps those who have just found out about ADHD and who don't exactly know what to expect from the assessment 🗒

This video only reflects my own experience with an ADHD assessment, so please don't take it as the only way to get diagnosed 🙏🏻

If you have any more specific questions about the process, let me know in the comments and I'll do a part 2 ✌🏻

See you in the next one!

(Timestamps coming soon)

コメント (21)
  • @Obby_Unsk
    I’ve always been discouraged by my peers and adhd gatekeepers and I’m afraid of talking to my doctor because I’ll get anxious and forget all my symptoms and worried they’ll think I’m just trying to get a prescription for drugs so I end up not talking to my doctor about it and say I’m just fine
  • @barrelburger
    Thank you. I am recently diagnosed and I am 63 years old. Your videos are very informative and inspiring.
  • @Jupa
    Adult diagnosis was like a mental earthquake for me. I also discovered my ADHD in first year uni. I fuvked up uni badly. My relationship, my money, my education, everything was being tested, broken, rebuilt. Idk. It is hard to talk about… Congrats on getting your degree, I ruined my bachelors because I hyper focused on building my online retail business. will watch the rest of your video and come back with my thoughts. it’s interesting because my own discovery led to me helping two close friends of mine discover their own ADHD. Also, Bonjour! I love Paris… it’s like my home away from home (London). Also you’re right about diagnosis in England, I had to do it privately, my parents paid a few thousands to support me getting help. The fact that I failed in my bachelors (I’m still enrolled but I’m so far behind idk what I’m doing)… pains me a lot inside. It’s the one thing I feel I owe my parents for, and I couldn’t even do that for them. It fucks with me, a lot… Also you’re getting a lot of subscribers! You’re doing great, I think you should consider the idea of building a community for adult ADHDers through and around your channel, just an idea.
  • @Natti1
    I relate to all your symptoms about organizing and just doing the daily tasks. I feel like everything takes twice as long to do.
  • @tatogtech6748
    You've come a long way! Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Candice. Thank you for your channel. This video has encouraged me. I have classic adhd and realize now that depression and anxiety often associates with adhd. Keep up the good work. Your work in helping others is not in vain.
  • This is so relatable, lmao and also nostalgic in a way, eventhough I am 16 and a minor (and was diagnosed at 12). But one thing i cant imagine is that u did all this by urself. However, being an adult with adhd, how do you structure ur day and intend to stay on the right track? That is one of the major difficulties i undergo apart from starting a given task. And everything I do, i end up procrastinating. I really do not know how to overcome that.
  • Thank you, Candice! This is such a helpful and reassuring video! I am 35 years old and a few years ago I started reading some scientific literature on adhd (before I only thought of it in terms of societal stereotypes, movies and tv shows) It explained so many things about my life, I was shocked, but relieved, at the same time. I‘ve been procrastinating, for at least two years now, about making an appointment with my Dr to talk about getting diagnosed! I really want to go back to university and get another degree, but I’m scared that, if I don’t get help/diagnosed, it’ll be the same bad experience I had the first time 😭 Like you said in one of your videos - I don’t remember ever studying, doing homework, essays were ALWAYS handed in late (if at all!), cramming an hour before an exam… same story for four years. I actually picked courses that were mostly marked by testing, no written component 😔 I want to do better this time and actually be proud of it! I hope this will give me courage to make that appointment!
  • I have my first visit to assess if I have ADHD and your story has helped me so much to know (more or less, Im in Spain) what to expect. Merci beaucoup :)
  • @Orangina345
    Some people can mask some of their difficulties.. females in particular - like if you aren’t hyper. I wasn’t hyper in my youth, but I always procrastinated as you described. Disorganized etc. . I was able to do very well in school until college. Even then, I had no idea. Got diagnosed in mid-forties.
  • @zeebot1
    I am really looking forward to my appointment end of march to see if the doc (who is not a specialist unfortunately) can do a proper diagnosis. I'm actually scared of it not being adhd and having to start from scratch with no clue why I am the way I am... first year uni, just moved to Berlin, it's been a mess... take care of yourselfs people ♥️
  • This is the first video i watch on your channel, and WHAT, YOU’RE FRENCH!? Let me explain, I’m italian but i grew up in the french education systhem… and no way yours is an accent 😂. Frenche people do not know how to speak english. So all my compliments. I had a feeling every 40 words that english was your second language but no way would i have thought you were french. Your english is excellent wow. And thank you for this video, very nice for someone who’s just starting to look into ADHD thinking i might have it :)
  • @belafafa1058
    I'm almost 28 and im 80% sure I have it and im terrified to get diagnosed facing the fact that what I currently have isn't my real personality but just symptoms and not liking who I really am but at same time I feel that my life just stopped im not doing anything and I need the help
  • @Tom-zg6sb
    I hope to get diagnosed this year. 32 going on 33 but I’m ready to try adhd meds now
  • @Tom-zg6sb
    F in amazing to know that meds can help
  • Hi Candice! Thanks a lot for this video it was really informative, especially being french myself. Before booking an appointment with the specialist on Doctolib, did you have to get a reference from a general practitioner? Or did you book directly an appointment with the specialist of your choice? Thank you in advance for your answer! :) (I’ve actually been willing to ask you that 6 months ago when you uploaded the video but eh… procrastination again 😅). Take care and keep up the good work 👍
  • Thank you❤❤❤, it's been years and hit the wall❤❤💓. I need help after all. Thanks to you: an option left.❤❤❤
  • @lmdc2.0
    Hi Candice, great video. Very helpful 🙏. Hope to see you and ear you in French 😉.
  • @sevamo
    Hi Candice! I wonder if ADHD is a spectrum. I have some symptoms but my academic records from primary to uni is very good (except math lol). I enjoyed classes and was active in most class discussion and extra curricular. But when I'm left without structure (at work now) where I have to self regulate, it's hard for me..
  • @jbug884
    I haven’t got time for a diagnosis and I’m too set in my ways to change at 45 anyway 😂