Star Wars Is A Dead Franchise

So I was forcing myself to watch The Mandalorian the other day when the realisation hit me - Star Wars as a franchise is dead. Its been dying for a long time, but now there's no hiding it. Nobody cares about it anymore. It died because Disney killed it.

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コメント (21)
  • Disney had this golden franchise for less than a decade and they managed to completely destroy it and piss on the ashes.
  • Kennedy's incompetence is absolutely shocking, and the only thing more shocking is the fact that she wasn't replaced years ago.
  • @JackBob.
    The state of Star Wars is living proof that you can't just throw money at something to make it good. No amount of money can magically generate creativity/talent. It's the one thing Disney can't buy.
  • Hearing the critical drinker talk about how Disney butchered Star Wars is honestly much more entertaining than anything Disney puts out
  • Luke in the original trilogy: "My father has killed billions of innocent people, but I know that I can save him because there’s still good in him."
    Luke in the sequels: "Well my nephew had a dream about the dark side so let’s turn him into sachimi."
  • "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of dollars unjustly earned suddenly went into Kathleen Kennedy's wallet."
  • @doltBmB
    Star Wars was intended as a modern myth. By killing off, undermining or ridiculing the mythical heroic characters and their accomplishments, they have disenchanted the golden goose, it now lays rotten eggs.
  • Arguably the biggest issue with The Mandalorian is that it already ended. The finale of season 2 was perfect. We don’t need to know exactly what happened after Grogu went to train with Luke, it was a powerful enough ending to a story in its own right.
  • When you don’t even hate something but stopped caring about it altogether is the greatest sadness …
  • I guess Disney bought the golden goose, and instead of waiting for it to lay the golden eggs, decided to cut it open and get all the eggs out.
  • Making social media addicts your target audience, hiring people who want to insert their fanfics in the franchise and suffering from huge instances of nepotism can kill a franchise?
    Who could have imagined?
  • The mandalorian just blatantly giving up on the dark saber genuinely pissed me off. It would have been epic to see a mere bounty hunter ascend to possibly redeeming and reuniting his people but he flat out said “nah it’s the benches for me”
  • @squoblat
    Bringing back Grogu was the worst choice this show could possibly have made. The emotional beats around that were actually good. They had the chance to get back to mando being a formidable force without the constant toy adverts. Episode 1 of season 3 should have been filmed from the perspective of someone Mando was hunting, it should have been a horror film where their team slowly disappears like an Alien film.
  • @excelon13
    Whenever your feeling imposter syndrome and have waning confidence in your own writing abilities, just remember that a professionally paid, multi-millionaire screenwriter wrote down the words "Somehow, Palpatine returned." For the final installment of one of the biggest hollywood franchises ever, overseen by the largest company in entertainment, and they went with it.
  • It's really astonishing how they've taken something so beloved in my childhood and made me absolutely despise it and anyone who talks about it. Good job.
  • @Iffy350
    "Let the past die, kill it if you have to." Jesus Christ how accurate that quote ended up being! So accurate that it killed the future too!
  • "Leave the past behind, kill it if you have to"

    This is how I feel about Disney products.
  • @suipsycko
    If only there was a plethora of books or novels that explored various compelling storylines in this franchise that could have been turned into interesting movies 😳
  • The problem with these big franchises is that there are too many people involved in too many projects.

    1 man has a vision, 10 men have a goal, 100 men make conflict.
    The fact that their are so many different people working on each franchise means there is no vision or goal. How can there be when everyone has their own ideas and agendas.
  • Seriously, the old Jedi games have so much potential to become movies. The stories of the old republic and darth raven are on of the coolest stories in star wars.