中國電子偵察船亂入環太平洋軍演 卡爾文森號電磁機密全被看光?【#環球大戰線】20240728-P2 丁士芬 莊伯仲 黃征輝 黃奎博

Published 2024-07-28
The Arab League's Mirage 2000 exercise with the Chinese People's Liberation Army reveals Western fighter jets
Is the Phantom 2000 Xinjiang exercise leaked? The Chinese military fighter jets were seen through by the Communist army
Arab League Mirage 2000 Xinjiang military exercise: Are the US military worried about intelligence being collected?
Is Beijing narrowing the technological gap with the U.S. Air Force through strategic military exercises?
China and China develop new strategies through joint exercises, posing major challenges to the United States
Chinese and Russian bombers flew close to Alaska, and U.S. and Canadian fighter jets jointly intercepted them!
LuH-6 approaches Alaska for the first time, the navy and air force are at the doorstep of the United States
Chinese and Russian bombers enter Alaska ADIZ to initiate nuclear deterrence against the United States?
The H-6 is approaching Alaska, giving the United States a taste of "freedom to fly"
The highlight of Huantai! Many countries participated in live fire shooting and sank 2 large target ships
U.S. B-2 bombers test-fired new anti-ship weapons! Participated in sinking amphibious ships
The sword is aimed at China! The highlight of the Pacific Rim Force exercise is to sink the target ship "Tarawa"
The target ship sunk in Huantai "points at China", the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China choked: not afraid of ghosts
Is the Rim of the Pacific military exercise not aimed at China? The training subjects explain everything...
China's 815A reconnaissance ship appeared in the Pacific Rim Military Exercise, attracting onlookers to watch the multinational exercise
Chinese navy reconnaissance ships watch the Pacific-Pacific military exercises. They are as beautiful as facing a powerful enemy but they don’t drive away?
Can the 815A reconnaissance ship capture weak signals, compromising the effectiveness of the exercise?

All Comments (21)
  • ❤支持正義勇於實話實說的黃艦長,傳遞正能量👍👏👏👏🙏讚!
  • 钓鱼台是中国的,也是中华台湾的,为什么说是日本的岛屿?
  • @sherrylee14
  • @kevin-pj7pd
    主持人不專業 不公正 談話也不得體
  • 别的军舰是”应邀参加“,只有815是”硬要参加“
  • Let's be fair. US planes, warships have been around minland all the time. and mainland war planes just visited Alaska first time. Why only US war mchines can visit mainland and mainland cannot do the same thing to US?
  • 给嘉宾提个醒:柬埔寨,老挝,泰国对中国护照都免签,
  • 主播, 你的標題....甚麼叫做亂""呢?? 是名正言順的監察好不好?
  • @SaySthAsItIs
    以往美軍派出艦機到中俄周邊現場觀摩中俄共同或各自舉行的海上軍演, 如今中國815A電子偵察船不邀而至“參與”美國組織的海空大型軍演, 迫使美軍不敢開啓火控雷達和數據鏈通訊, 常常草草收場, 鎩羽而歸, 甚至無果而終. 如同正常男女交歡, 有人一直旁觀錄音拍照, 無法高潮一般.
  • @HHYX1997
  • su30,su35也去了,大陸兩架轟六j有電子艙,在美航空識別區巡航五小時😂😂