I Am Jack's Face (My Name is Tyler Durden)

Published 2016-11-30
Believe it or not this is an exceptionally old video - technically. It's a remake of something I did maybe a decade or more ago. I think I was still in high school! Yikes. I made some minor adjustments to it too. YouTube took it down way back when, but I managed to salvage it (realplayer could do that back then) even though I'd lost the original.

I have a different relationship with the movie now that I"m older, particularly after learning that the original novel's author is an ACTUAL crazy man, (all his women conspiracies) but it seemed a shame to let it go to waste. And it's not like the movie isn't still a classic regardless.

Also not sure about the music anymore, but it's the perfect fit, so I would do it anyway.

Fight Club (Spoilers) to Papercut by Linkin Park

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