Two Rocky Mount police officers under investigation after attending D.C. riots

An activist shared this post on Facebook Saturday night questioning if two Rocky Mount police officers went inside the Capitol that day.

コメント (21)
  • @twalrus1
    If those two are not fired, then ask for the resignation of the chief of police.
  • @gamr4367
    They have broken their sworn duty and crossed a line in an attempted coup! Nuff said!
  • These two hate government but are entrusted to enforce the government's laws on other citizens???!!! 😡
  • Under investigation? WTF 🤬 they should be treated like the other ones.
  • So...The basicly participated in an event that beat down other police officers......nice.
  • @7XjakelX7
    "most fools cannot tell if they are fools". -General Y.M
  • "I didn't do anything unlawful" - Takes a picture in a building he's forbidden to be in... Let's see how the investigation goes.
  • "They are being investigated by federal authorities to see if they entered the building." They fucking took pictures of themselves inside the building!!!!
  • @Sherwoody
    Isn’t administrative leave, “Take a couple of weeks off with pay til this blows over”.
  • "Administrative Leave" is just another way of saying, "Paid Vacation."
  • What a shocker. Two cops justifying breaking the law and causing death. That’s never happened before...
  • They should be charged with treason fired and stripped of any benefits
  • Funny how everyone that was caught with their grubby hands in the cookie jar, deny having done so!
  • @oomay1925
    They should not be working under the justice system and enforcing any laws. It's disgraceful.
  • Anyone who went inside of that building knew that they should not have been there!!!!! No excuses.
  • When you went in the building without authorization YOU BROKE IN!! Simple as that
  • @MrSnax24
    Where were they when their fellow law inforcement were being beaten and killed? Guess they didn't see any of that happening.
  • @Elcidruy1
    "The Beloved Leader was flinging feces at Our Constitution and we thought it was our patriotic duty to go and help him. " The two coppers said.