How Bike Shop Owner Discovered He Was Jeff Bezos’ Dad

Published 2019-07-09
Jeff Bezos changed the way we shop forever when he founded Amazon in 1994. He later became the world’s richest man. In 2014, Inside Edition met his biological father, Ted Jorgensen, a bicycle repairman in Phoenix. He was a teenage circus performer when he married Bezos’ mom and after their marriage broke up, Jorgensen gave up custody of his son. “Big mistake,” he told Inside Edition. He only realized who his son was when a biographer contacted him. Jorgensen passed away in 2015. #InsideEdition

All Comments (21)
  • @disispeter
    It’s disrespectful to say he wasted his life fixing bikes
  • @amberfoster8089
    The poor man. His whole life insulted by a disrespectful bad reporter. Making him and his achievements look small.
  • @nishalnandwani
    "Toiled away in obscurity." Thats like 99% of us, and they make it sound terrible and shameful.
  • @MistaZipps
    "In the bike shop, where he toiled away in obscurity for the next 40 years." Jesus, give the man some credit for living his life the way he wanted.
  • @lewisburton1852
    Damn, they act like He’s living in a dumpster. Chill out.
  • @RVboyjunior
    He did well himself as a businessman until this reporter decided to downplay his achievements just to highlight Jeff's net worth.
  • @Brassard1985
    “Toiled away in obscurity”. This report is blatantly condescending and disrespectful. So if you’re not a billionaire and just have a reasonably modest job, you’ve wasted your life? That’s ridiculous.
  • @Phawks-Phire
    Man, a lot of people can't even afford to live in the house his father is living in. Don't downplay his life accomplishments.
  • @moontobe1829
    I dislike how they downplayed his achievements.
  • @gabogd5885
    What a disrespectful report, so if you're not a billionaire your life is a waste? That says a lot about the producers
  • @clayjack9969
    mentalities like this reporter’s is what will lead to having a very depressing life. Valuing monetary success over almost everything.
  • Do you know how hard it is to have a small business running for that long? Don’t diminish his accomplishments
  • @dylanmurray9973
    To be honest, that guy probably lived a fulfilling life. Don’t make a successful guy seem like a loser because he isn’t the ceo of Amazon.
  • Just because this old man owns a bike shop, makes a decent living, has a wife and a nice house, and isn't the CEO of a successful online shopping service doesn't mean he's "living in obscurity"
  • @hps69
    I'm just happy the man got to know what became of his son before he passed away, regardless of if he saw him again or not. That in itself probably made him proud and gave some clarity to something he'd probably been wondering for much of his life
  • @garudateams
    “Jorgensen toiled away in obscurity for the next 40 years working in his bike shop” What a disrespectful belittling statement to someones life.
  • Jeff has the perfect backstory for becoming a super villain. Lost his wife, never met his father. Extremely rich.
  • @KDawnn
    This is an absolutely disturbing interview making him out to see worthless because he wasn’t crazy successful. Looks like he lived a happy life to me.
  • @ChristianSwayne
    "this news would change his life forever" dude died a year later
  • @MC-874
    Its so depressing that He wasnt able to see his own son in his entire life.