Anchor asks Republican for concrete proof of fraud… he goes down IN FLAMES

BREAKING: A CNN host just asked a freshman Republican for concrete evidence of fraud… and the lawmaker went down IN FLAMES.

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コメント (21)
  • Why do I get this feeling this kid is clueless? That's because he is.
  • He’s trying to sound sensible but just comes across desperate.
  • I just love how uncomfortable he looks as he knows the interviewer has complete and total control of the situation.
  • She killed it. She did her research with great questions. I believe it's never an Answer. 👏
  • @cal88usa
    She is a rock star. She kept on drilling him with questions he couldn’t respond.
  • @md21656
    She called him out. Enough is enough. Great authentic interview.
  • This kid needs to go back to school and learn how to do research.
  • Yes, Pamela BrownI need to see more hosts like this. Who don't dilly dally about details but cut right through the fluff.
  • Top marks to the interviewer Pamela Brown who has actually put some work into the facts of the case and pushes back on the vacuous assertions of Cawthorn. All too rare with most interviewers. Well done, girl!
  • "You want proof? I offer as opinion, because I have no proof."
  • We need every reporter to do what she's doing , getting to the truth and calling out liars.
  • If all reporters were like this,I don’t think we’d be where we are!
  • As a NC resident, I am embarrassed to have this guy as a congressional memeber
  • This woman humiliated him so badly he literally just said “f it, I’ll admit Biden is President and pretend that I thought that this whole time”
  • I'm sure he was none too pleased she handled him with such ease