Movie Review: 2001-A Space Odyssey

Published 2013-06-11
Here's a rather special review. Hope that my ideas connect to other opinions on this miraculously unfathomable film.
Film clips property of MGM and Stanley Kubrick Productions, and licensed under Fair Use due to this video being a review.

All Comments (3)
  • @cbdebill4
    An amazingly sharp and intelligent critique of this film. I first saw this film in its original release. I was 13. Since then, I have seen this film countless times both in theatrical re-release (the best way to see it) and in VHS, Laserdisc, DVD and, finally, Blu-Ray (the next best way to see it). It changed the way I look at films for all time. It remains, for me, the most profound experience I've ever had at the movies. I'm glad this generation feels the same way.
  • Hey man good review. Although it is hard to get through it is such a great experience. You know I also have a channel where I review movies and I recently made a comparison of this one with Interstellar of their themes of space, humanity, aliens, robots, god. I don't know if you would be interested to check it out and see what you think? See ya :)