FIBROMYALGIA Research Suppressed (Fibromyalgia Cure Discovered?)

Published 2021-05-30
What if a therapy that reduces Fibromyalgia pain to near-Zero has been discovered, but was quickly suppressed by those who stand to lose billion$ in profits? What is the cause of Fibromyalgia and what is the cure for Fibromyalgia? Let's discuss the answers to these important questions.

Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition that causes severe suffering in millions. What if the key to reversing Fibromyalgia was easy and cheap? Fibro-sufferers will tell you that the approved meds do little and have lots of side effects. Here is another way...

** If you've used these techniques to improve your Fibro, please share your story in comments!**

PROPER HUMAN DIET guidebook (free): [scroll down]

Fibro & IR:
Fibro & InsResist:…
metformin & chronic pain:

Mag/Mineral Defic in FM:
Lower Mag associated c FM:

Magnesium Drops:

subtitulado en español, مترجم بالاسبانية, с субтитрами на испанском, स्पेनिश में उपशीर्षक

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • @jamieszuba1758
    I had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Depression panic attacks anxiety. Keto 4 years. No meds. Fibro gone.
  • @kingmasterlord
    remember when doctors were telling patients that fibromyalgia was all in their heads?
  • I have had untreated fibromyalgia for 25 years and I can barely walk. All I can say is that it is definitely not being caused by meds because I have none. So I gotta go with the foods being the problem. I am going to try this Keto thing. Wish me well please and maybe send a prayer my way, I sure could use it.
  • @areneesouder
    I've had fibromyalgia and CFS for over 35 years, and I doubt if there's been a day go by that I didn't think about just giving up on everything. After having it for so long, I'm too weak and exhausted to do anything. I can't hardly go to the bathroom or get anything to eat, much less take the steps to adjust my diet, or anything else to improve my health. Unless you're in this bad a shape, you can not possibly imagine how hard it is just to sit up and move in the slightest, much less do anything more. I have no one to help me either. Because I don't look sick and disabled, I get no understanding and help. It's a living nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone.
  • I was diagnosed with fibro and cfs. Turned out i had chronic lyme disease. I have 2 strains of borrelia so i was infected twice but never diagnosed. It has destroyed my life. Medical neglect is real and ruins lives
  • @donnamarie4443
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about ten years ago. Over the years, l stopped drinking coffee, eating sugar, doing a gluten free diet and a keto diet. Substantial difference in the shooting pain l used to suffer nonstop throughout the day..... Doctors aren't interested in helping at all. Mine told me to stop watching YouTube. She should start watching, she might learn something. Thanks for the great upload Doctor Berry👏👏👏👍.
  • @catatata5785
    Got diagnosed with this, called out to jesus for help... I then quit all my medication, anti depressants and pain medication and started weight lifting, high protein diet. I'm okay now 🙂 😊
  • I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and later diagnosed with pcos and ultimately stage 4 endometriosis. This started almost 30 yrs ago. As a nurse at the time for 14 years I turned to keto, despite a rheumatologist telling me I would suffer for the rest of my life. I refused Lyrica due to way too many side effects. I continue to find relief by following a low carb high protein diet, and a steady weight-lifting regimen. I took high-grade iodine drops after being diagnosed with Hashimotos, and my nodules disappeared. Ditch the carbs, cake and bread. My A1c remains low. I completely revised my diet. Magnesium reversed my plantar fascitis. . None of this happened overnight. I did acupuncture and chiropractic visits, and meditation for anxiety and depression instead of pain meds and welbutrin. Did end up w/a hysterectomy. Firm believer in ashwhaghanda and Sam-E. I'm 60 years young and getting better every day. Still working as a nurse too for 28 years. I occasionally have a drink and some chocolate, but try to make it rare. Lots of options. Take back your power folks and do your research. America is about options!
  • @sarahb7795
    My friend works for a big law firm in Vancouver, Canada, and she has literally seen drug companies bury treatments and cures for various issues because the company wouldn’t make money off it. They buy the treatment or cure and just make it so no one can make that drug. She wouldn’t specify but she said she is seriously disturbed by what she’s seen them hide.
  • @pageriskin8743
    As a retired physician I find it absolutely fascinating that SO many disorders, diseases and ailments are caused by hyperinsulenemia. I so wish that this information had been available when I was in practice. Very grateful to Dr. Berry for bringing all this information out to the public. He has spent so much of his time and labor to the benefit of others, and his videos are free for all who wish to improve their health. He has convinced me to switch to a low carb diet, and I am looking forward to improved health. Thank you, Dr. Berry!
  • @johannel8104
    My wife started getting fibromyalgia 3 years ago and in March this year it was intolerable. She was in pain all the time. We changed to a Keto diet and she saw improvement within 2 weeks. We have now been doing Keto for 8 months and she has no more pain. She can now even eat some junk carbs again when she feels like it. What has been the most amazing thing is that we actually don't WANT to eat the stuff anymore because we don't enjoy the taste anymore! A little bit every now and again maybe. I enjoy every single meal and always look forward to my meals. However, we are never hungry anymore and fasts 16-20 hours a day. I used to have to eat 5 times a day. It's liberating to not have to constantly worry about the next meal. We have both seen multiple health markers improve (9 for me) and not that either of us had much weight problems (my wife gained a bit too much maybe the last year before we started Keto), but so many other things were problematic that we used to blame on 'age'. I had Vertigo for 5.5 years. Three months on Keto and it was gone!
  • I have had fibromyalgia for 25 years. I now have small fiber neuropathy and am connecting the dots and trying to learn how to heal with diet and supplements. I worked in the pharma industry for 25 years and am APPALLED at what it has become. It wasn’t like this until the marketing eclipsed the science.
  • @Lyaworski123
    I have fibromyalgia and stop taking my cymbalta and gabapentin. Switched to low carb/ keto. My pain has decreased and I lost 30 lbs..
  • @loricurtin9407
    I had fibromyalgia so bad I was on morphine 3 times a day for 4 years, I finally cutting out processed, sugar, flour, rice, potatoes and lost 200 pounds and have had minimal symptoms for five years!!
  • Imagine telling your doctor you have MUSCLE PAIN. Then he orders some expensive tests, asks you to bring back a pain journal in a month, and he says to you in Latin, yes, you definitely have MUSCLE PAIN!
  • Also adding B1 1500 mg for 20 days then 500mg daily helped me. I have had fibromyalgia and CFS for 40 years. Diet alone did not help me but the B1 sure did. Good luck to you all and thank you for finally talking about this horrible disease:) I had to discover and educate all of my doctors 40 years ago when this disease was unknown.
  • Never a truer word spoken I am a 50 year old male and had fibromyalgia it's no fun I was in such pain I was often in tears swapped my diet to 90% carnivore I do cheat somewhat I'm only a week human no more fibro I try to inform others they mostly just laughed at me they are so brainwashed by what most doctors and dietitians tell them if you do have fibro give carnivore a go please you have nothing to lose and everything to gain taking pills will not help you
  • @Sheerkat7
    I agree with lowering carbs - especially wheat and processed sugar to help. However, my intense body pain came from STATINS that I had been poisoned with for 15 years. When I told my doctor and pharmacist that I was in so much pain and exhausted, they UPPED my dose. I felt better 2 weeks after getting off of them.
  • @aclawson7004
    My close friend suffered with fibromyalgia for many, many years. She would get med upon med for 2 to 3 years until her body rebelled and she would end up in the emergency room for some random extreme problem. At that time, and after many tests, the emergency doctor would tell her to stop all meds immediately. Slowly over time her regular doctor would again stockpile her meds, until once again she was in emergency. This cycle repeated 3 or 4 times until on her final emergency visit she was told that she had cirrhosis of the liver. Being she had never consumed alcohol (for religious beliefs), she was shocked. The doctor told her that over use of medications could also cause cirrhosis of the liver. He told her to get off meds and stay off meds. This time, she committed to stay off meds. The next day she quit diet coke, started to take short walks, improved her eating and sleeping habits. It took less than 2 years and she considers herself fibromyalgia free. The condition of her liver means she has to take care with her meals. (Which, honestly, has been a blessing.)
  • I have fibromyalgia, and it’s a very painful debilitating condition, it’s pain that never lets up. I could cry when I think of kids and young people with this disease. I can’t thank Dr Berry enough, you’re amazing and doing a great job in speaking out, we all know why this information is withheld, it’s all about money. I’ve stared a new diet today, no carbs no sugar, I must be dumb Dr Berry, I love soft drinks 🥤so they’re gone as well. 😩 Thank you, once again.