What is Dispensationalism?


コメント (21)
  • I so appreciate you saying that you see dispensationalists as siblings in Christ, especially given your postmil beliefs. Right now it is very fashionable to mock and deride dispensationalists, so it is nice to see brothers building bridges. I am not dispensationalist myself, as I hold to historic premillennialism, but I greatly value the dispensationalists I know, including my current pastor.
  • @45Nasman
    I appreciate your balanced manner in how you present various issues.
  • Was looking into this framework recently, very complicated and alot to take in, but one way or another I believe and trust the Lord will return to set things right once and for all
  • @hermanr5513
    I was brought up being taught dispensationalism, but have not adhered to that school of thought for a while. I also recently discovered Thomas Nelson Darby’s ties to the Masons and the Rothchilds and the influence he had over Schofield’s teaching that entered mainstream evangelicalism, which is where we get the current Christians, providing undying support for the current political state of Israel.
  • The whole concept of rebuilding the Temple to re-institute sacrifices is an affront to Jesus' death on the cross. He was the final sacrifice
  • Well said Alan I couldn’t have said it better myself. Grace and peace brother🙏
  • @denonjoka8848
    Gud Blessful Sunday Midnight 2 Yu Polite Leader & I Appreciate Yu Polite Leader 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Video on "What Is Dispensationalism ?"4 What Know I Have Known About Dispensationalist Is That They're Tru Teachers of God's Word Where I 2 Polite Leader That I'm Not Dispensationalist & Don't Believe In Dispensationalism 4 Where I Agree 💯% With Dispensationalists Is That Our Great LORD Jesus Christ Will Return 2 Victory Just As Prophesied In The Book of Revelation Where I'm Glad 2 Know That Pst. Justin Peters Is a Dispensationalist & Happy 🆕 Year of 2024 2 Yu Polite Leader & May Our Great Almighty God Lead Yu Polite Leader All The Time.🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️
  • Well done Alan. Great start. Most pew-sitters don't know they are Dispensational. When these less-edified pew-sitters learn more of Dispensationalism, becoming further edified / sanctified, they quietly move toward A-mil, Post-mil or Preterist eschatology. Dispensationalists are seldom able (capable, willing, open to) discussing any view that opposes theirs. A follow-able example is RCS loved JM but did not share JM's dispensational eschatology - great friendship to emulate.
  • @ejay3835
    Great informative video. Thanks for being kind and having grace 😆 and I agree that we are brothers in the Lord.
  • @rickgomez2885
    Have you done a video on Preterism? If not, please look into doing one, thanks.
  • in every end time view I find assumptions and the more I learn the less I know and I want God that way .. I will still learn , yet I will not hurt the body and will spend more emphasis on loving, healing and proselytizing those who are like I once was
  • @dougsmith6346
    I appreciate your summary. My experience is that many preTrib dispensationalists believe anyone who isn’t is not Christian.
  • Me just noticing what he said; or should I say? Polite Society. That means everyone is polite… Amén
  • You're a dear brother in the Lord Alan. Have always enjoyed your videos (got to know this channel from the Lauren Daigle one a long time ago). It's a great channel to be informed of many things, and be aware of false teachers and such. It's been truly enjoyable! I will have to disagree with your personal view here, since in order to not be a dispensationalist (only in regards to Israel and the Church being separate), one really has to reject or ignore virtually 80% - 85% of God's word. I've been reading through Judges/Ruth and James currently, and so reminded of God's direct affirmations again and again and again, to the Jew. Sadly I've noticed that 9/10 people in the world, are anti-sematic...including Christians in our circle. Interestingly, the ones with a poorer theology, have the right understanding of supporting Israel, whereas the ones with a better theology, don't. It's as if well meaning Christians are being contrarians and opposing God's very word (over Israel) just because traditionally some well-known Christians in their circle have done so, including what the past confessionals held to. Not that this should be a flag, but you'll notice a lot of anti-dispensationalists calling those who actually abide by God's word as 'heretics' and 'antiChrists' in the very comment section here. It should be a testimony of how callously they use such words, without any fear of God, being anti-dispensationalists themselves. It's the same sort of behaviour that is also seen among anti-creationists who mock creationists, or Pentecostals mocking baptists as 'heretics'. God says that to even call a brother 'a fool' will put oneself in danger of hellfire, going to show how carefully we must use our words (that are like sparks); so that it is used to edify men and glorify God, as opposed to sin. Interestingly, the very topic of Israel has become for me a litmus test of who loves God more. For I as a Gentile, shall always bless and have a positive disposition towards Israel. For when David being declared king by God, and being a Jew himself per God, didn't dare harm Saul for Saul was God's anointed (even when he had the full rights to), how much more so us. This is why not many in the Church today, have a heart after God's own. And so the Pentecostal who blesses Israel, will be more blessed inspite of having a poor theology, than the Reformed who doesn't inspite of having a better theology. For the latter, sins.