Why you shouldn’t share your good news with a narcissistic partner or parent


コメント (21)
  • I had a bead shop & studio about 10 years ago. One Saturday I did $2500 worth of business which was phenomenal for the type of shop I had. I called my husband to share the good news. His response- Too bad you can’t do that everyday. I was really crushed by those words. It took a while for me to understand who I was really with. He’s now my ex thank goodness. When I tried to explain to him that his comment was not a compliment or the least bit supportive, he said he didn’t agree. I then said- any sentence that begins with TOO BAD is not a positive sentence! What a sadistic creep. Totally in my rear view mirror for 9 years now. After my healing journey, I was attracted to a mentally and emotionally healthy man. So thankful. 😊
  • @wezi06
    My adopted mother...when I was catering and selling food with success...her response..."I am surprised that no one has gotten sick yet". When I got my masters degree, she said "wow is that a real degree, I need to go ahead and get me a PHD so I can have more credentials than you." Can't make this stuff up. I left when I graduated high school and I lived across with my neighbor....I am grateful for her. When I graduated high school, she didnt come to my graduation. My dad and my neighbor took me out to eat. The next day she threw a graduation party for her student worker. Can't make this shit up. When I got pregnant at 20 she wanted me put my son up for adoption....I was like I will not let my son experience the hell I went through. I am grateful because it took for my ex narcissist to make me awaken to her narcissistic ways. He tried to make me fail my internship by not picking up the kids and financially controlling when I was doing an unpaid internship. It makes 4 years, and my children see the difference in how stable we are emotionally, mentally, and financially as a family.
  • @Focus293
    If any of you are living with one, i hope that leave them and find someone more appreciative in your life.
  • I am married to one ! I have learned to operate around him but damn , they ruin you !!! F#$k
  • I remember when I lost my job, it seemed like he was happier about that. I got a new job on my birthday and had to move in a month. The dude just kept ruining the good stuff. Glad I was able to move on. Ya'll be safe out there
  • In other words “do not share a damn thing with a narcissist” 👍
  • I didn't know anything about Narcissistic personalities until i was out of the relationship. I got several raises while I was with my ex and I thought he would be happy for me! If I had known how jealous they are for your success I would have never shared that info.
  • Im gonna pray for you. You are a good person . Dig deeper , remember you are good . Pray that you find that person, pray for self love . God can do anything , love and faith in that order. Fight for him. Good over powers evil. I see your beauty. He loves you and forgives you.
  • Facts. He always down plays my accomplishments. I don’t tell him good things anymore. He ruins it every time
  • they’re incapable of interpreting the success of others as anything other than a reflection of their failures. tell them about your success and they will either put it down or try to one up it.
  • My so called friend will always say something negative about any positive achievements of mine. I started working in a charity shop and she belittles people who work in charity shops as sad with no life etc. I started up a local walking group and she came once but refused to speak to anyone and said she hates having to make conversation with people she doesn't know. A friend of mine tried talking to her and she told me after she found him boring. When I got allocated a lovely new bungalow she said it had economy seven heating (which she knows I don't like). She'd only looked through the window as I hadn't been given a key. I spent all weekend worrying about the heating and on Monday phoned the housing association and guess what! It had proper gas heating. She said it deliberately to spoil things. I'm currently trying to distance myself from her as she just drags me down so much.
  • @ca6248
    My mother is exactly like this. This is the reason I can't tell her anything. I remember she became jealous of the fact that I had a childcare spending account through work that helped me send my daughters to summer camp. Keep in mind that these are HER grandchildren who were attending. It's not like I was going to summer camp and going to have the time of my life. She made it weird and all about how she never had that opportunity and how unfair life was to her. She kept saying, "It must be nice!" It was then when I started realizing that our relationship was abnormal, and I began to suspect that she was a narcissist. I'll eventually be cutting her off, but for now, I just do my best to keep my distance.
  • Or they'll start a horrible fight with you to make you feel so bad about your success, you're up all night doe days on end-- so you'll quit to make the pressure and grief stop.
  • @jenemt06
    I learned this one a while back. I just share with my best friend and family and it works just fine. I learned to accept that I would never get anything good out of sharing it with him. It’s hard but you just have to accept it.
  • My husband said that I was successful in getting my job in a school because it was "his idea". Lol Yeah, we discussed it... Certainly wasn't his idea, in fact he didn't even want me to work. I got a new house (have previous children from previous marriage) to secure my children's future and he says to me "oh don't buy expensive furniture, you don't even need to do it up". But when it comes to his house, he is more than happy for me to spend every penny that I have in the bank to make it look better and pay bills. He brought himself a brand new phone (unknown to me until it was already in his possession) and when he found out I had brought myself one (with my own money by the way) he went mad saying that I should have "asked for his advice first" and that I "do things without consulting him" They're very jealous people. Even when they have everything and if you have hardley anything. They see you with one small nice thing and will envy you for it. It's disgusting.
  • It was difficult to share things with my ex narc. I remember when I got a promotion at work, he automatically assumed that I was supposed to be responsible for covering more household expenses and buying things we didn’t need like so he could compete with the neighbors. He was something else.
  • Years ago, I had no car for four years. I had to walk or take cabs everywhere. When my Mom finally bought me a car after I broke my ankle, I called my narc "best friend" to happily tell him about my new car. He HUNG UP on me! 🚗
  • Thats my sister. Also... she seems to always be amused by other people's hardships. She sucks !
  • Dame bro this is so true. Thank you for sharing this message.