Anna, How Do I Do This? How Do I Stay Present?

Published 2020-06-20
⁣☝️🏻The title of this video is a question I get a lot. But the "you" you think you are doesn't do this. Presence, the holy light of awareness, does, and it's not a doing but rather a recognizing of your effortless being. Discover this unchanging space within you and be free no matter the scene of God's movie.⁣

Love, ⁣

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All Comments (21)
  • @tiffanilioness
    “What’s looking through your eyes is what you’re looking for”
  • @khepera5393
    “If you think that you have to earn your divinity then you suffer”. You’re speaking truth to life
  • You are already present. You already are here. When you start to feel this way, you will realize that the limitations are really quite limited. You don't have to deny yourself, but rather accept it. Remember how to breathe in and breath out. Breathe in through your nose until you feel the air entering your lungs and you feel the air expand inside your lungs. And breathe out slowly through your mouth. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly, deep breaths. Again, you don't have to deny anything if you want to stay present. You can just feel yourself breathe. When you fully feel the air enter your lungs, then you are present in the moment. Hold that image in your mind. Hold that feeling in your mind. When you are present you are aware of everything around you. You are here now, and this moment is now.
  • @Timothy4186
    Above and beyond the words which Anna speaks, in these videos she transmits the PRESENCE. There is a wordless transmission of Presence going on even as she speaks. It's beautiful.
  • "The one you think you are, does not get this". “You can not teach awakening, you can only recognise it". Holly Shit, this chick is as crazy as me, probably even crazier! I cannot hold this stuff for more than nano seconds at time ... but by golly do i recognise it!
  • “You can not teach awakening; you can only recognise it.” Such a beautiful statement. Thank you 🙏🏼.
  • @themax316
    Wow. I needed this. I’ve been spiralling into severe depression....self harm and suicidal thoughts. Hearing this did something to me. I can’t even explain it. Thank you.
  • @isaacreis9440
    Your though pattern is so beatiful, awakened and inspiring. You are literally feeling what you are saying in such intensity and genuinity and presence that it makes me feel it too. Hands down one of the most enlightened people I've heard. And I've seen a lot. What a privilege. Thank you, keep going.
  • "Your mind is a Chinese finger trap." Yes, it most certainly is.
  • @yuewenb
    Such a beautiful and valuable awareness! I might not have understood what she was pointing at a year ago, but this year has been challenging with covid 19, riots, racial unrest, fires, money problems, politics and biased media and I found my mind comparing my life now to what is was before in better times, and judging it, making me feel so very depressed. When all of the sudden I realized my mind was causing my extreme depression, it was like a giant light bulb went off. So I told my mind to shut up unless it had something valuable to say or a solution. I noticed my mind/ego got very quiet, and then moments later my inner peace came back, I was observing that my mind was still quiet, and now I started to feel love and joy in my heart area, then moments later that inward feeling started to expand beyond my physical but also to the top of my head, making me feel blissful. I realized my mind/ego was causing my suffering. So grateful for this awareness and dear ones like Anna making video's to share.
  • I remember when I watched this video first time few months ago and it sounded like a nonsense. Now it's perfectly clear and simple
  • One Day During meditation training I rose to a plain where there was utter silence I was bathed in light and suddenly time and space did not exist Only absolute radiance, so wonderful I couldn't understand why the master had not shared it
  • @Bonpu
    I remember that key insight well: „How“ is the lie! The answer comes before the question. The unhappy one can never become happy. There is no way. Just don‘t move! The peace that has conditions is not peace. Countless phrases that all mean the same.
  • @wolfmanrjt
    Crown of SORROWS Welcome to the WEEPING WILLOW!
  • @Yahyamourad_
    You are magnificent in how you bring thoe understanding into words. Thank you for speaking to our presence to maintain itself. Regardless of these constant dualities. ❤
  • @claremurphy777
    Thankyou for been with me Anna Browne. It is so lovely to spend time with you. Your it!☘️❤️✨
  • @DubyaW111
    The birds singing is beautiful music to my ears 💖💖💖
  • The part of your mind that uses language to describe and conceptualize your experience is the part that needs to relax and feel into.... this
  • @eleojay401
    For this to be recognized there has to be an openess. The illusory 'I" is extremely cunning and combatative in its attempt to protect itself. Anna is a smart girl