Switching careers & going back to college at thirty was the best decision I ever made - here's why.

To all my mature students, non-traditional students, and people looking for some motivation to FINALLY make the leap of faith and head back to school - this one's for you.

Change is scary & hard.
Being unhappy for the better part of your life should also be scary and hard.
You CAN make anything happen - I'm here for you.

コメント (4)
  • @AloraRojas
    Love this video, thank you ❤ I’m 31 with four kids and have been working on my undergrad very slowly. Hoping to get into vet school in the next few years.
  • I’m 30 and currently getting through my prereqs for vet school. I have about a year left before I’ll be ready to apply. It’s been the best decision of my life but it’s also very scary to leave your job and “normal” adult life behind. Loved this video, I relate to your experiences all too much.
  • @dr3024
    Thank you for these videos! I have been researching this and have come up blank every time. These are so helpful and inspiring. I’m a PTA who has been thinking about it. It would also be my third degree 🎉 if I decide to. Are you still working as an RN or working at a vet? How many years of vet supervision/experience did you have prior to applying?