How To Become A Straight A Student In Middle School, High School, and College Easily - 5 Tips

Want to learn how to be a straight a student? Here is my story and 5 tips you can see proven results from quickly...

Recommended book(s):
My Speed Learning MasterClass Course:
My Productivity Course: How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less
How to Get Straight A's in School and Have Fun at the Same Time

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
Book by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister

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コメント (21)
  • @whal3z
    bro this is the most helpful video iv'e watched about this topic. Last semester i was getting D's and C's and now i have straight A's. The one big thing thats keeping me motivated is actually being exited to go to school.
  • @wood4058
    It’s strange how schools want kids to be successful but they don’t even teach to kids how to be successful or how to study effectively
  • @apexxx401
    When youtube know that you are failing, so they recommend this
  • Summary: 1. Find Bob. 2. Attach to Bob. 3. Become Bob.
  • Btw if ur scrolling through, the actual video starts at around 6:20. the tips are: 1. Be around people who know what they are doing (people who are the best will help you) 2. Think of homework not as a chore, but as the easiest way to change your grade (so do it) 3. Actually work to learn, not just to do (don't cheat) 4. Have habits that actually work to help you finish (talk about homework so that you remember it) 5. Set out your day so that you have everything planned. (know what to do, when you do it, so that you can master your time and manage it) Hope this helped! Especially if watching a 15 minute video doesn't really help/ if you don't have time!
  • @pisulolol
    me, a procrastinator: saves this video to watch later
  • 1 hanging around people who get A 2 think of homework not as a chore but as a easiest way to increase your grade 3 actually want to learn 4 have habits that actually work 5 set out your day you make sure everything planned (always know what to do)
  • My grade was very bad that I can't move to the next class and my parents promise to buy me a car, if I do well on this semester but I was confuse that I have to look for alternative that can possibly change my grade. So a friend who have used the service of this team recommend I try it. Which I did, guy that was awesome all my grades was change and my mark was increased. I do appreciate the good work of this name below for they are genuine.
  • Don't be lazy. Have discipline. Care about learning as much as you can. Ask questions. Never give up. Stay motivated. This applies to everything.
  • “ one day, I took the test, and, BOOM” Ad pops up
  • A) dont skip B) do your work C) turn in your work D) dont cheat E) be smart about when you do your work (ex. do hw thatll take 30 mins at lunch instead of at home if its for a class after lunch) F) check your grades at least every other day and if you see something off, go ask your teacher about it and if you can fix it. its their job. dont be shy.
  • 1 minute into the video and i knew i was one of the lucky ones to come across this treasure
  • @Starnoch
    Im an asian that gets straight A's like its nothing. Here are my tips: Keep in mind that if you get a B ur getting the (B)elt and out of the house you go.
  • I'm a junior in highschool rn and I've realized that life is like a mindset, if you keep a strong and disciplined mindset than the better person you'll become in the future and more you'll better yourself and more successful you'll be
  • I'm Asian and the reason I always get straight A's is because: 1) I want to be smart 2) I want to be noticed by teachers lol. If they call you out for being the best, the feeling of being proud is on a different level 3) for homework, when you finish a portion, think of it as the biggest achievement you've got and that if you keep completing portions, you can finish it. I don't really know how to explain it 😅
  • @nix1635
  • My personal tips based on my experience Middle school: Try to limit your extracurricular activities. Unless you're really passionate about a sport, try not to join sports clubs, as they take up a lot of time and energy. When you get home exhausted, with your muscles all sore, it's hard to concentrate on studying or homework. However, don't be afraid to try new things. Middle school is where you should try to figure out your strengths and weaknesses academically, so you can focus on what kind of electives you want to take in High School. Otherwise, getting straight A's in Middle school shouldn't be too hard if you make sure to do all your homework and do some extra study for at least 1-2 hours a day. High school: Try to limit any drama and personal distractions. High school is when people's hormones just go through the roof, so it's no surprise that you see a lot of drama in social circles. By all means, go ahead and date and socialize, as it's an important part of your growth as a human being, but keep in mind that you shouldn't let that affect your studies. By now, you should have some idea what your strengths and weaknesses are. Pick electives that you know you'll enjoy and won't affect your GPA negatively. Also try to figure out what you want to do in college before senior year, as you'll have to choose certain electives and classes, and you don't want to play catch-up during your senior year. You should be increasing your study time from 1-2 hours to maybe 2-3 hours a day. Try not to burn out, but you should build up your endurance for college when it comes to studying. A lot of people can get straight A's in highschool by just cramming before a test, but you don't want to develop bad habits. College: You'll have to accept that you're on your own, now. Teachers won't call your parents when you skip classes. Your parents don't get sent report cards. There will be no one to keep you accountable, unless your professor is really invested in your academic career. You also have the chance to choose your teachers now. You're paying for your education, so choose carefully. Read academic reviews about your professors. If you get a bad feeling about a professor during your first day, cut your losses and withdraw from the class, while you can still get a 100% refund. A bad professor, or one with a teaching style that doesn't suit your learning style, can affect your GPA more than your actual academic proficiency. Make sure to look at your course syllabus/schedule if it's available. Make sure that important project dates and deadlines don't overlap. Use a spreadsheet or a calendar tool to determine if deadlines from the classes you want to take overlap. Even if you need to spend more time earning your degree, it's better to spread your courses out, so you don't burn out or risk endangering your GPA. Don't be in a hurry to join the workforce, unless your personal situation necessitates it. Even if you have to spend an extra year or so to earn your degree, it's better to keep your GPA stable. Go easy on the student loans.
  • i am so happy, I found your channel and content really helpful this name below, sir but I have a query. Sir, I am from Ohio and wanted to send my high school transcripts to WES. But I don't know if transcripts released from my local school would work or I have to Contact CBSE board and my State board who conducted my 10th and 12th class exams respectively for my transcripts
  • Time management should've been taught in school so that we dont have to struggle as much.