4 Steps Science Proven Treatment to Lower Creatinine Level and Reverse Kidney Disease

Published 2024-07-15
Discover a scientifically-proven way to lower creatinine level and reverse kidney disease with our latest video. We explore four crucial steps to take control of your kidney health. Learn how a very low protein diet (VLPD) combined with ketoanalogue supplementation can significantly lower creatinine level and prevent the progression of CKD. Understand the importance of finding the right healthcare support and making essential dietary changes. Whether you're in the US or abroad, these steps can help you effectively lower creatinine level and improve your kidney function. Watch now to start your journey to lower creatinine level naturally!
#kidney #kidneyhealth #creatinine
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All Comments (21)
  • @Prantik17
    WOW, VLPD is exactly what I needed today. I've spent last few days trying to find menues that I can use. I didnt understand how low of protein I should eat. Thanks to you today I do now. The menue sample you had up is so helpful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I am willing to try anything right now. I dont want dialysis. God bless you p.s. tomorrow im 74yrs old i want another 30yrs of life. With your help I will make it!!!!ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜
  • I went keto and ketovore (a few months even carnivore) and have increased my eGFR from 26-35 to 55-60ā€¦.high protein and very very low carbs helped me immensely. I was supposed to be on dialysis within 2 yearsā€¦.once diagnosed with FSGS. That was15 years ago
  • Incorporating the VLPD and ketoanalogues as suggested has significantly helped in lowering my creatinine level. Excellent advice!
  • @Rishi_5014
    Following the 4 steps in this video has really helped me lower my creatinine level and manage my kidney disease better!
  • @abgaminr1173
    I didn't realize how effective diet changes could be in lowering creatinine levels until I tried the steps in this video. Highly recommend!
  • These scientifically-backed steps have made a noticeable difference in my creatinine levels. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!
  • Thank you so much for this informative video! The steps to lower creatinine level are very clear and helpful. I'm excited to try them out and improve my kidney health.
  • Great insights on how to lower creatinine levels naturally. The VLPD diet was a game-changer for my kidney health.
  • So what can you eat? Salads and carbohydrates. I am pre-diabetic. As such, I am supposed to limit my carbohydrates. Half my plate should be protein and the other half split between vegetables and starches. Seems impossible to me. I should not eat protein so as to prevent proteinuria and prevent high creatinine levels. Seems like I cannot eat anything!
  • Iā€™m thanking you for the information. I never knew this. Iā€™m stage 3CKD and I never knew this until now. You have open up the door for me to try and I will try. Thank you again. I need all your support.šŸ˜Š
  • Hello PureNutrition. My question to you is, how does a CKD patient like myself main my weight, especially when ones' age is in the late 60's? I am about 4 pounds underweight now, so can I avoid losing more bone/muscle mass if I only were to eat 20 grams of protein daily? Thank you in advance for an answer, and thank you for great work in helping people like myself!
  • How long does it typically take to see results from following the VLPD and ketoanalogue supplementation to lower creatinine level?
  • How about carbohydrates like bread, pasta, noodles, is there no restrictions taking them? I am a CKD stage 3b patient.
  • Hi Am from Mauritius and I ve been on a VLPD Since 2 Years now as I was Stage 5 and managed to go back To Stade 3 A but Am now back to Stage 5 and needs Help but no Renal Dietetician here at all. Please help Thanks
  • @Babygirl_2008
    Hello Iā€™m new to this channel Iā€™m at stage 5 kidney failure and there pushing dialysis and a kidney transplant. I also have a kidney stones since 2015i get them every year. I tried fasting, keto you name it I tried it. My left kidney function is at 1 percent, and has 5 stones in it. One is the size of a bubblegum grape the other 4 are small tiny ones but the big one is low and trying to come out. Normally, my kidney doctor usually blast them and take them out, but my nephrologist told him not to touch my kidney stones. And my right kidney function was at 17 percent i got it up to 25 percent itā€™s been there forever I canā€™t seem to get it up more than that. My symptoms are I have fatigue. I have trouble sleeping. Iā€™m not eating very much. I have no appetite. I used to be a very active person and now Iā€™m not very active. I ha I have constant pain protein in my diet which I donā€™t know is caused from keto diet I did for 3 years straight. So any videos or information you can help me with would be great. My dr did not tell me what to eat or drink where stage five kidney failure. Iā€™ve been trying to get my kidney function up on my own, but Iā€™m struggling and they said if I donā€™t do something fast, theyā€™re gonna put me on dialysis within a month. I do not want that I feel like my dr call, kidney doctor and my nephrologist done seem to care only about themselves and money. I feel like Iā€™m being robbed of my life iā€™m so backed up with toxins that my kidney canā€™t filter out. Iā€™m starting to swell and get edema in my legs.and my stomach hurts and is swollen I look pregnant which Iā€™m not. And the put me on blood pressure pills which I do not take and a diabetic to get the fluid build up from the kidneys not working properly. Iā€™m a mess and I have 30 days to fix this kidney failure or dialysis it is. Then a kidney transplant I know on my heart I can do better I just need the right diet and direction. I love watching your videos. I Jair donā€™t know where to start. Please help. Thank you
  • This video is a game changer! The advice on how to lower creatinine level and reverse kidney disease is invaluable. Thank you for making this content accessible to everyone.
  • I have a cyst on my kidney it's not cancer it did has water which syringes and the doctor gives nothing I try to eat as healthy please helpm I am 76 years thank u