Why Thor Love And Thunder Sucked - A Scene Comparison

Published 2022-09-26

All Comments (21)
  • Imagine a movie like Deadpool making a better story arc about cancer than a movie with Christian Bale and Natalie Portman in it…
  • @SourRobo8364
    It's funny how Wonder Woman 1984 and Thor Love and Thunder were both written by their directors after directing 2 successful films that were written by other people.
  • @ericosg
    "interesting comparisons with how Disney treats Norse mythology in the MCU, but I suspect that's a level of awareness that Taika doesn't possess" absolute gold
  • One thing that always bothered me about that scene is - here is Thor, the literal most famous person in Asgard and he shows up after a long absence and no one makes a big deal or even notices him?
  • Thor Love and Thunder made me realize just how good the first Thor film from 2011 was.
  • @endorbr
    Thor Love and Thunder is a perfect example of what happens when a director is surrounded by yes people who never say no.
  • I can’t understand how taika has fallen so far with this project his early movies are brilliant. boy, eagle vs shark, hunt for the wilder people and jojo rabbit all have a fantastic balance of comedy and tragedy why on earth did he think this abomination was acceptable? it’s beyond me
  • @Oetam8566
    Can we give Anthony Hopkins some love for killing it in this scene? Hopkins playing Loki playing Odin.
  • Seeing Taika Waititi laughing at the CGI after the film had released was such a gut punch. A director I'd previously respected shitting on the (likely very overworked) CGI artists that helped to make the film just seemed so callous. After Ragnarok, this was an incredible disappointment.
  • @JoeLeasure
    "Buying into his own hype" perfectly describes Taika's downfall.
  • Another small complaint I had with this movie is that the Guardians weren't in it for a long time. According to the advertisements, it felt like they were going to have a much larger role, but it didn't turn out to be that way. It felt like I was being advertised a different movie than what I got.
  • @Shak2k11
    im just sad people will never know how great the story arc and character Gorr is from Jason Aaron's great Thor run
  • @TheGodOfGravy
    Taika is the perfect example of what people refer to as an “ideas man”. Someone who is good for throwing out tons of options in the writing room but you’re not going to want him in charge because he is going to want to do all those ideas at once regardless of if they fit together or not.
  • How the MCU deals with humor these days is a major issue. Phases 1-3 dealt with it in a way in which the humor was more of an ice breaker or a light hearted exchange between the characters that never messed with or ruined a serious plot. The story was still every bit as serious as it was needed to be. Phase 4 treats humor like its a necessity in every show or movie irrespective of what the story requires. Thor love and thunder is a film which requires a very serious approach given it's context. Instead Waititi was like "make Thor funny hehehehe"
  • Anthony Hopkins' "oh shit" was perfectly delivered in the Ragnarok play scene as well.
  • Funny that you chose these scenes in particular. To further emphasize your point, i can easily remember the scene ragnarok. i had totally forgotten the one from love and thunder!
  • @nathank2289
    One of the major reasons Curse of the Black Pearl was such a great movie was that it was so tightly edited and written. Even the most seemingly pointless action scene was packed with character or world building moments. Shame Disney went from that to just giving a random guy a camera and thinking they can glue something together later.
  • I like how the whole character of Thor and his whole story has been boiled down to..." They got cool weapons."
  • What I find especially interesting is Chris H's statement - that he will no longer join a movie simply because of the director in charge of it. Poor guy, he got burned hard with this movie. I mean, look how RDJ walked away with almost godlike status, then you have the last 2 thor movies making him look like a clown when he could have been developed into something much better. I also think they are doing Scarlett Witch and Dr. Strange dirty.
  • I found the elevator scene in Thor: Ragnarok an example of a Taika scene done well. The development between Thor and Loki really hits an all time high in the brief dialogue they have in the elevator to the hangar. Thor acknowledges his brother, Loki for who he is and not what Thor hopes/wants him to be, but expresses his unconditional love for his brother regardless. The scene ends with Thor actually putting that new character development immediately into action by planting the shock device on Loki. Thor knew that after expressing his love to his brother that Loki would likely try something cheeky, showing further that he won't be tricked so easily as in the past. This scene has 2 jokes. One after a long, digestible pause in the elevator to break the cathartic moment with their "Get help" bit. This bit shows that sense of brotherly love their relationship has desperately needed and I think fits well since they give the dialogue some time to breath before whipping it out. The other, when Thor actually gets the best of Loki ( and some payback) by unexpectedly planting that shock device on him. Both of these jokes were funny (imo) and actually expressed the recent growth Thor has gone through as a character. Love and Thunder takes the goofyness from those jokes but removes the substance that respects the characters and story being told. They could have easily pulled this off with characters such as Gorr (if they had put decent time into his backstory) and Jane Foster who had a lot of potential for character growth. sigh I guess not :/