She-Hulk - This Is Rock Bottom

Published 2022-10-12

All Comments (21)
  • “A good novel tells us the truth about its hero, but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.” G.K. Chesterton
  • I love how every time he says "The Message" he sounds more tired and spiteful as he rightly should be.
  • @Kyra-qn3nh
    Telling Bruce to shut up so she can rant about how she knows more about anger management than him is so painful because I know they're trying to make it look like Bruce is 'mansplaining' when he genuinely knows what he's talking about and is only trying to help her. She's the one doing the 'talking over you because i think your entire gender has inferior intellect' thing. 🤦‍♀️
  • This show really illustrates its authors well: Banner didn't choose to become the hulk, and had to live through a time when he was hunted like a monster, had no control over his transformation or memories of what he'd do, and was forced to keep on going despite serious depression simply because his other self wouldn't let him die. He had and still has to live knowing he's hurt and potentially killed a lot of people, and the one person who could genuinely relate to him when it comes to feel like a monster had to die to undo Thanos' doings. Despite all that, he managed to improve himself and grow as a person, cementing the hulk as a hero rather than a monster. She-hulk was also an accident, but her powers came with essentially no drawbacks, and came at an age when the hulk was already recognized as a hero, not a monster. She didn't have to worry about running away, being hunted down, loosing control or accidentally causing suffering to others. Despite this, she's certain she's had it worse than Banner because she had to deal with people doubting her skills and catcalling her. "yeah I know your life was pretty much hell for quite a period, but my life isn't 100% perfect either and you're a man, so maybe it's time you quit being selfish and realize who the real victim is"
  • You think this is bad, wait till Disney makes They-hulk.
  • @Kesyabasturd
    You can tell the writers have deep unresolved insecurities.
  • @zahrans
    She-Hulk - This Is Rock Bottom Velma: "Allow me to introduce myself!" 😁
  • 😂 the "why do guys think its ok to flirt with me at a bar... also why am I still single" killed me off. Some very confused and angry women behind this show.
  • @abu269
    She-Hulk pretty much destroyed Banner Hulk within the first episode. She literally tells him how she's "infinitely" better at controlling her anger than him because her struggles are far worse than what he's been through. So just to compare, Banner Hulk spent years on the run hiding from the government trying to hunt him down, spent years meditating to control his anger, sacrificed his love life (twice) to protect them from his alter ego, tried to commit suicide on several occasions,fought in 4 wars (3 of them against alien races), was trapped in the Hulk body for over 2 years trapped in an another planet, almost got killed by Thanos, and sacrificed himself to bring back half of all living creatures across the entire universe using the Infinity Stones. But that is nothing compared to being a 30 something successful, female lawyer being cat-called! 🤷
  • @roninvince
    Moral of the she-hulk story: with great power, comes absolutely no accountability or responsibility, and you can just re-write reality if it doesn't suit you.
  • @DaMaster012
    She-Hulk: "I'm absolute worst, rock-bottom content that Marvel can possible produce." Secret Invasion: "Hold my Bud Light." The Marvels: "Hold our feminist agenda."
  • @kovacsj7823
    In the comics, Bruce tried to off himself by a gunshot through the mouth. The Hulk captured the bullet with his teeth. Thats how fast he can transform when his life is threatened. No way he would remaining Bruce through a somewhat long, life threatening car crash.
  • The "rich, liberal women problems" thing is fucking spot on. Thanks for watching this so the rest of us didn't have to drinker.
  • Love the way she condescends to Bruce who: -got turned into the hulk and had to abandon the love of his life and go on the run -got driven to depression from guilt of the people the hulk had killed and likely being lonely and tried to commit suicide - was coerced into hurting ppl as the hulk again in Ultron - had 2 years of his life taken away when the hulk took control of him - lost Natasha and saved the half the universe -then had his cousin tell him to f off when he tried to help her!!
  • @RalphieMaysGhost
    Men as lawyers in film: Greedy, womanizing, lying scumbags. Women as lawyers in film: Strong, smart and clever.
  • @dutube99
    "The writer's own hangups and personal insecurities projected right onto the screen" describes most of Hollywood, and a large segment of news reporting, and perhaps most of the Arts in general.
  • @blyat8832
    The drinker forced himself to watch this dumpster fire so we don't have to. Gotta respect him for that
  • @hyrenaj2888
    You gotta wonder how difficult the people writing this character must be to deal with if they think this is a positive portrayal
  • @edge6627
    Better Call Saul is a better story about a lawyer and he doesn't even have superpowers
  • @wilder11
    I think She-Hulk has done it. She's officially the most insufferable female character in fiction. Quite a feat, considering the stiff competition these days. But she did it. YASSS QUEEN