Publicado 2024-07-29
It was revealed last week that Arctic Offshore Patrol Ship HMCS Max Bernays was beached at Pearl Harbour following a flooding at sea. Forced to the sidelines of RIMPAC 2024, the major international naval exercise, this is yet another hiccup for the RCN. It is time to target just what is wrong with Canada's warships.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @onatewi
    what a failure of shipbuilding and procurement...shame
  • @paulnickson8734
    Yup ... Absolutely not surprised. I worked for Irving Shipbuilding from 2020-22 on the CSC Project. A complete clown show. Low morale, poor leadership, and disorganized. The employee turnover rate was unbelievable ... We even saw senior leaders (including the company president and senior VPs) abandon ship during my brief time there. Pun intended and very appropriate.
  • @leschnoothegreat
    Lol… a deterrence to protect our north??? As a veteran, I am thoroughly amused.
  • @canadianguy1955
    Irving. Irving is what's wrong. We essentially have amateur hour over there. But the AOPS are not a major part of maritime defense. They are considered non combatants, and are barely capable of defending themselves. The most they will do is give a stern warning.
  • @bache72
    You'd think we'd learn by 2024.
  • This is the order of items that Adm Norman was fighting, when he was dragged through the mud.
  • Maybe it’s time we have someone else build our fleet, like South Korea, where they take Pride in what they build…
  • @Crypto-67
    Fire the Liberal procurement person...1 year, that's a joke...
  • @Droz75
    Canada has become too reliant on the Americans, and now our military is a joke.
  • @bigjamroll
    Picture it. HMCS Algonquin. 2012. Rimpac. The ship was ordered away from exercises because she was too loud. It then broke down. The crew got to chill in Waikiki. Shortly after the repairs, she broke down again and had to be towed back to Victoria. After repairs, she set sail to be rear-ended buy another HMCS vessel.
  • @smithwesson7765
    I wish I was surprised. Irving "shipyards" should be held criminally responsible for endangering our Naval personnel along with the liberal ministers involved with procurement. There have to be consequences for this level of incompetence.
  • @NSFA
    The nation is seriously broken accross the board. The fact that no accountability for the actions of higher CoC only looking out for future progression due to bloated attrition and pension seeking/self profetting amongst our MP in govn't... Canada has never been this broken since inception.
  • @derekcox6531
    This constant failure of government after useless government,to invest in our military is going to bite us all in the ass much sooner than Canadians would ever imagine.
  • @kyles7394
    This is what happens when you give the contracts to all your friends and pocket most of the money...
  • @lloydkuepfer1599
    Time for Davies to build ships. Especially CSC frigates and ice breakers
  • @untrusting
    I served for 10 years and nothing ever worked. I served on 5 ships and they all had problems. Nothing ever changes
  • @mangore623
    To play the devil’s advocate for a moment, teething issues are so common in untried vessels (civilian or military) that their absence would be the extreme end of exceptional occurrences. I worked in the marine industry, and when our fleet of vessels were replaced with “new and improved” vessels, the number of issues were truly staggering. Additionally, regarding the Canadian vessel taking on water, this isn’t a completely uncommon occurrence either. When I worked for a short-sea shipping company, we had three such incidents, and always when the ships came back from dry dock. The problem was with the stuffing box. The prop shaft passes through a stuffing box, and prevents the water from entering the ship.
  • @rmack9226
    When you order a vessel on Wish, but you get a jobs program instead. Anyone who lives around Halifax or knows people who have worked on these ships knows they're just a giant jobs program. Period.
  • @1ABNDT
    Trudummy & Bliar are the Skipper & Gilligan of the CAF. Shared.
  • @radricster
    If the government keeps playing political games with procurement for the RCN, these epic failures will continue. How can you expect our sailors to function with pride and professionalism, when trying to sail these rusty boats that arn't even water-tight sitting at the dock?