Let's Play Apollo Justice part 6: Trippy Perception = Truth

Published 2010-08-27
First and foremost, let me say that I have already pre-recorded all of Case 1. You may experience some fail in Case 2. I haven't played that one in a long time. xD Now then...where was I?

In this part, we unfold Ms. Orly's traps, watch as Apollo starts feeling trippy, discover Apollo has the ability to stare hard at girls' hands, and begin unravelling the truth behind this crime as well as figure out that Apollo Justice is a Spartan.

Also, I apologize for the quality at some points of the video. I'm not sure what caused it. I'm guessing it's just those specific moments, but...I guess we'll see in the future.

All Comments (6)
  • @wolfsheik7
    How the heck did Phoenix "pass on" that secret to Apollo. I probably would have remembered that being in any of the previous games. Plus, Phoenix's power was using the Magnatama to see when people are lying (something which I think would be more useful) not perceiving people's habits.
  • @Xemyr
    @wolfsheik7 I would assume it was a part of his 7 years of poker.