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Digizel the Bui

117 subscribers

About Digizel the Bui

Hey everybody! Welcome to my channel! First thing's first. If you visit here, then you absolutely must go visit my friend Blahsadfeguie's channel. After all, I think the Random King deserves his time in the spotlight. xD Not to mention, his VS. series is pretty decent. xP

Now, here in my channel, I focus mainly on Let's Plays, Video Game Walkthroughs (VGWs) and maybe a few extra videos just for the viewing public. xD But do you have an idea for a game that you want me to LP/VGW/whatever? Just let me know. Drop me a comment, message, e-mail, whatever. Nobody will go unnoticed, and no suggestion will simply be thrown away. All requests will at least be considered.

Also, one more important note: If you make any noobish comments or anything like "omg, you ****ing fail you haxor, go **** urself and ur mom." or anything similar, I have a nice clean spot in my Blocked list just for you! I hope you enjoy it, cause you won't be removed from it. Ever. Unless you prove to me that you're done being a complete idiot. Those of you who act that way, I have just one thing to say to you: Stop wasting your time on the computer and do something productive with your life.

But for everybody else, I hope you enjoy your visit to my channel and my videos. As I am a broke college student, I'm afraid that I don't have much free time, but I should be able to record more eventually. Until then, thanks for your visit.

Like what you see? Sub please! Although, I don't like random friend requests, so if you're going to send me one, at least PM me first so that I can get a chance to know you before hand.

List of games I intend to LP/VGW:

I Wanna Be The Guy - I wanted to, but it's been overdone so much that even I have gotten bored with it. The IWBTG days are over.
Zelda: Parallel Worlds - The hardest Zelda hack I've ever played. Naturally, this will be done
PMD: Explorers of Sky - The sequel to my first LP. 'Course I'll be doing it~
Pokemon Nuzlocke Runs from Kanto to Unova if possible
ALL Ace Attorney games
ALL Zelda games from GB/SNES era and up
Megaman games - Whatever I feel like
Super Mario Bros. X games
Random online games with friends
SOME requests that I feel up to doing.

If I can get a capture card:
Super Smash Bros Brawl online
Mario Kart Wii online
Super Mario Galaxy
Digimon World 4
Godzilla: Unleashed
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Metroid: Other M
Pokepark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
Bakugan: Defenders of the Core

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