Scariest Day of My Life

Published 2015-05-02

All Comments (21)
  • @sid5527
    My dad worked on the 96th floor of the North tower but didn't go to work that day since my sister was sick. That saved his life
  • @YesTheory
    Reading YouTube comments sometimes makes me sad
  • @axsh970
    Came back after 20 years. Sorry for everyone who lost their beloved.
  • @nl86__
    A friend of my parents had to miss thier wedding because her husband was a firefighter killed in the towers. May he rest in peace
  • Honestly, those firefighters sacrificed themselves so they could save as many people as they could. They put their own lives on the line, running into the towers, with no regard for their own life, and only good will in their hearts. RIP to those killed in the attacks
  • @calvin_w
    This is the saddest comment section I’ve ever read I’m sorry for all of your losses
  • @nightbat4107
    I was with my great grandfather. He was a war veteran and he knew what it was when he saw the 2nd plane. He sat me on his lap and what he said may help some others reading my comment. He said ," There is true evil in this world. The important thing is how you respond to it. You can fight with violence , which leads only to more hate and a new form of evil. Or you can push through this life and fight it by spreading love. Love is the true way to battle evil. "
  • @Speedeamon666
    As a kid in nyc during 911 I'll tell you what was fd up. For like 6 years after 911, every year on 9/11 in school we had to acknowledge 9/11 and almost every year there was a kid who lost a family member and broke down.
  • I’m watching this right now.. the date is September 11th 2019..
  • @festive4830
    2020, September 11, it’s been 19 years but we’ll never forget 🕊
  • @teogammons
    20 Years later, we never forget.... Rest in peace everyone who lost their lives in this tragic act of terror.
  • @colerod2816
    My mother was in the White House on September 11th and I was not born yet, if it were not for the passengers on Flight 93 I would not be here, I am forever grateful for what they did. I have lived a good live and have a great family who love and care for me. Those men and women on that flight are my heroes.
  • @Youkai_graphics
    when casey takes off his glasses, you know its serious Edit: Oh ItS nOt FuNnY bLaH bLaH bLaH Did I ever said it’s funny? 🤔
  • @bozo2623
    My teacher said she was only 10 years old when it happened. She lived in New York, she was in school when her teacher was told to go the hall. When her teacher came back she was crying and sweating, she balled up onto the ground and another teacher across the hall tried to comfort her. Her teacher said that her husband called, the scary part was her husband was a fire fighter and the last thing he said before hanging up was “I love you”. It’s so sad what happened that day. My heart goes out to people who lost loved ones.
  • @keiwhn
    tomorrow is the 20th anniversary. i come back every year. the stories and last phone calls break my heart. never forget 🇺🇸
  • @lizp3910
    My family and I lost a close friend that day. We visit his memorial here at my dad's office in Australia. I don't normally tell this story but. On September 11, 2001. Andrew was at work (in the twin towers). His wife called him, wanting to make dinner plans I'm pretty sure. They were on the phone. His wife was able to see the towers clearly from the building she was in. Suddenly everything changed for the worst. She saw everything. She heard everything. The plane had struck the tower and it was up in flames. She could still hear Andrew. But then the line cut. She lost the connection. I don't know what their last words were to each other. But what happened is something I never want to happen again. My dad cries every Sep. 11. It's hard. My dad told me the story of what happened as soon as I was old enough to partly understand. ,She didn't deserve to lose him and he didn't deserve to die like that! No one did. I hate this world sometimes. Andrew <3
  • @yotdanz
    I’m watching this right now... the date is September 11th 2020..
  • @theirongiants
    I was 7 years old. In India, completely oblivious only hearing these tales of tragedy. I wish everyone a happy life, condolences over the person you lost. I feel really sorry.
  • my friends dad was in the north tower when the first plane hit. He is lucky to have made it out alive. and every year even though Ive seen the video a million times. I still cry when the towers both colapse