What Will The Second Coming Look Like?: The Mark Series pt 54 (13:24-27)

Publicado 2021-02-22

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @patruff3000
    “I’m a Bible nerd and I’m going to make you one whether you like it or not!” I am a Bible nerd but that was Really Funny! I actually laughed out loud!! 😂😂😂
  • @julianaallen8477
    I live in NY and never even heard of the post tribulation rapture before about a year ago and it felt like I was punched in the stomach when I realized there was a different view.. I realized i didn't see a pre tribulation rapture in the bible , it took a lot of time to come to terms with it.. Then i realized I'm not afraid of the anti Christ and would be so happy to die for my faith.
  • Mike, always remember most of us are here to get "into the weeds". There is an abundance of superficial and topical teaching out there. God is using you in a mighty way to encourage us all to true bible study. Thanks for being a vessel for our Lord, can't wait to meet you one day here or in heaven. Praise God.
  • @serafin1352
    God Bless brother Mike. ExJW and now a real Christian. This was a good video. Thought provoking.
  • @caleb.lindsay
    The actual best thing you said in this entire piece was: “and lots will unsubscribe but so what? I already have more than I ever thought I’d have anyway.” You’re such a good steward of your blessings AND your responsibility. Most people are one or the other and sacrifice responsibility for the wealth of blessings, but your commitment to truth and Scripture above all are a constant reminder to me of what it looks like to abide in Christ. God bless you, man!
  • @catheadx2854
    I found this so very helpful and healing in some ways. I have been told and even pressured about pretribulation Rapture innthe bible. I grew up with the scripture and just didn't see it there. Southern Baptist believers have said if I don't believe then I'm not saved and it made me sad and weakened my Faith. I now can stand strong knowing that I am saved and can understand what I am reading. The message of Christ goes beyond denomination. Jesus gave me a blessed assurance that I can stand. Thank you and God bless you brother.🙏
  • @patc2515
    I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your teachings. Your style, the topics you choose, and your pursuit of factual truth are much needed qualities in our time. Thanks for being yourself and for providing both light and clarity in my life.
  • @jordanfox8027
    When Mike apologizes for getting into the weeds I’m like.....that’s what I’m here for!
  • “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 16:15 Luke 10:27💕
  • @laureah21
    I haven’t watched this yet but started giggling from a incident I had recently. I was fast asleep and live rurally so very very quiet at night. A pottery kiln gas supply 1 mile away exploded. It made the ground shake it was so loud. As I leapt out of bed my brain shouted Jesus and honestly thought it was in that split second 😂. Then discernment kicked in and my spirit was like nope no trumpets. This was all in a bout 2 seconds while still asleep. Glad to know Holy Spirit helps me discern in a spit second 😆
  • @silviaraquel827
    Hi Mike, I admire your ability to say you don't have all the answers and are willing to change your mind on a given subject if/when you happen upon greater light. So thank you for continuing to study and for encouraging us to do so as well. Here is what I've found from my personal study: I think some of the greatest arguments against a secret rapture are: 1. “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and **every eye will see Him**” (Revelation 1:7). “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven **with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first**” (1 Thessalonians 4:16). These verses tell me that it's no secret if every eye is going to see him when he comes. They also tell me that this will be a fairly noisy event if there is a shout and a trumpet sounding (no wonder every eye will be fixed on him!). Also, how can we take into account two separate raptures when the dead in Christ are rising at this very event of Jesus second coming? It means that whether dead or alive, we're all awaiting this one grand event. 2. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven … and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain *shall be caught up together with them* in the clouds to meet the Lord **in the air**. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17). This verse shows me that Jesus is coming on his very specific mission to take his people with him to heaven. He comes in the clouds and the living are caught up together with the risen dead in the clouds to meet him in the air, not on the ground. In this picture Jesus is pretty much coming with grand fanfare to call out his saved children to take them away, but this is definitely not a secret event nor a touchdown where he then tours around earth as it seems some have implied. 3. "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but *we shall all be changed— in a moment,* in the twinkling of an eye, **at the last trumpet**. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51,52) The transformation of our corruptible bodies (whether living or risen dead), happens in a blink of an eye when that last trumpet sounds. We shall ALL be changed. I don't see how this could support the idea of some of us being changed first and then another group being changed later. 4. “*False christs* and false prophets will rise and **show great signs and wonders to deceive**, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24). “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20) I think while we need to be loving Christians to all fellow Christians and non-Christians alike, we need to be clear about our beliefs. (This does not mean to get caught up in setting dates because the Bible says no one knows the day nor the hour of his coming). However, Satan will send out imposters and impersonators of Christ in order to deceive even the elect. That's a scary thought and a somber call to study, study, study for ourselves and be clear on what we believe. As Isaiah says, we need to be able to test all teachers by the light of scripture...but how can we do that if we do not know scripture? Imagine someone coming, performing great signs and wonders healing sick, raising dead, even claiming to be Christ...God help us from falling prey. 5. “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14) Our call to action is definitely in preparing ourselves and fulfilling our mission of sharing the good news of a second coming so that the end will come. Jesus is coming for us guys!!! To give us incorruptibility, immortality, and to take us to heaven!! It's the free gift that Jesus offers to ALL!! Let's all accept it. “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). “I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10). “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57) Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far. God bless you and everyone else on their Christian journey! Blessings
  • @DamonNomad82
    42:10 This passage is one of the reasons I tend toward a Post-Trib, Pre-Mil view. I consider it most likely that the Rapture and the Second Coming are one and the same event. That said, I'm not set in stone on that view. The important thing is to be watchful and ready, regardless of which (if any) interpretation is correct. One of two things will inevitably happen: either you will die, or Jesus will come back while you are alive. The best thing to do is to follow Christ and be ready for either possibility.
  • @olgaburgos7780
    Pastor Winger, this teaching is wonderful and full of truths, thank you , I am a pre- tribulation believer and I will not be in it because I’m and old woman that will be dead before it happens but I will be present at His coming, by His grace to see His glory and fly with Him to His kingdom. Amen.
  • I LOVED what you said about how we are waiting for the end times and not watching for it and how we shouldn’t obsess about it. I was born and raised strict catholic (even went to a private school for girls run by the Opus Dei sector).. 11 years ago I started going to born_again Christian churches but unfortunately got into the whole new age scene in 2012 when I moved to Germany .. let go of that completely at the end of 2019 and got baptized. Since then, I have gone deeper in faith (attending church, reading bible, praying more, bible groups etc etc) but unfortunately on weekends it was like I told God, see you on Sunday service because weekends meant “partying” .. it wasn’t until late November last year when chains of addiction were finally broken and I have since then decided to stop being a lukewarm Christian! I am now attending an 8 month bible course where we focus on the symbolisms and prophecies and fulfillments in the Bible! Mind you, I have never heard this in my entire “christian” catholic life. Anyway last week, I came across a man who does videos on watching for the end time to happen which has left me so confused .. he even says we are watching in his channel for Jesus to come ... I’m so glad I came across you. I used to find the apologetics too intense and now I am loving it. It is what I need to defend the Christian faith to my unbeliever husband who is very (scientific / mathematics minded) .. God bless you!!!
  • @lindamarner3872
    Thank you for being a bible nerd! You have helped be to be a bible thinker too. Thanks from Canada 🇨🇦
  • I have listened to hundreds of your teachings , the truth by way of the Holy Spirit is the strength of your insight into Gods word , DON'T STOP , Steve
  • @FromWarWithLove
    I laughed at the “barrel rider” joke so don’t beat yourself up 🤣. Tolkien nerds, UNITE!
  • @monabo1
    Thanks pastor mike. Love your teaching style. When you chuckle it makes me chuckle too.😅