Disabled Characters in Picture Books | Fashioneyesta

This video is closed captioned in English

Accompanying Blog Post: fashioneyesta.com/2016/09/26/disability-in-picture…

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Books Mentioned
Lucy's Picture by Nicola Moon
The Secret Code by Dana Meachen Rau
Sometimes by Rebecca Elliot
Susan Laughs by Jeanne Wills
Moles Sunrise by Jeanne Wills
The Five of Us by Quentin Blake
Moses Goes to a Concert by Isaac Millman
Max the Champion by Sean Stockade and Alexandra Strick

Useful Resources
Disability in Kidlit: www.disabilityinkidlit.com
Inclusive Minds: www.inclusiveminds.com/
Letterbox Library: www.letterboxlibrary.com
Pickled Pepper Books: www.pickledpepperbooks.co.uk/
Scope’s In The Picture Campaign: www.scope.org.uk/support/families/books/children

Editing Hacks
Nicole BBBB: youtube.com/user/nicoleschannel11

Nicolai Heidlas: Chill Tune

コメント (21)
  • Amazing video! I had never heard of "Moses goes to a Concert". I'm American and my husband is Deaf. This book would be perfect to introduce to my young nieces. Thank you for sharing!!
  • @irhonda31
    Good video! I have a 4 and a 6 yo nephew, and though they are not sensory impaired, these sound like good stories to help expose them for when they do meet other kids who are. The little one might relate, though, because he has had surgery to improve his hearing (was nearly deaf in one ear due to fluid), and has to go to speech therapy because all the years of not hearing properly affected his speech.
  • I love that I got all the way to the end of this video before I heard you talk about your own disability and I hadn't really even wondered what it might be! Thanks for explaining the terms inclusive and immersive literature. I'm studying to become an early childhood teacher.
  • Just found your channel and love it. My son is profoundly disabled and we make videos about our everyday family life, the challenges we face and our adventures. Looking forward to following your channel 🤗
  • I wish I knew you were working on this video! I'm a visually impaired author/illustrator! I just published a picture book called Can I See? About a little boy who is visually impaired. Throughout the book, he learns how he is different from other kids and learns to embrace these differences. It's currently not available in Braille now. If you have any tips for Braille publishing, I'd love to hear it!
  • I am currently querying a picture book on disability and came across this in my research. I immediately noticed your eyes and thought you had to have the same condition as my husband, nystagmus. I went to your blog to see, and I was right! I'm going to try and read up on your blog as I would love to see some of the ways you cope and if any of those ways would help my husband whose eyesight has only gotten worse over the years. This video was great and gave me a fresh perspective on inclusive writing as, let's face it, my husband doesn't read, nor does he feel the need to be included. I guess part of that is because it's congenital and just about half his family has it, so he feels pretty inclusive already ;)
  • Thanks a lot for sharing such an insightful explanations of both school of thoughts along with some great picture books.
  • Hi I love this video. My child has got autism and I have now the opportunity to read books for the community. So your video has definitely helped me just that I don’t get any of the books online. There are many Dr Seuss but these books are not there. I’ll give it a deeper search. If you know more books do let us know. Thanks again!!! Love you!
  • There should denfitly be more disabled children in children's books. Sometimes a disabled child just wants a book about them to show that they are being considered and represented.
  • @Penmacie
    Have you come across Jewel Katz? She was a lovely lady who was disabled and wrote books for the disabled. Sadly she passed away recently.
  • I'm going to keep these books in mind when it's time to get books for my future classroom (I'm studying special education at the elementary school level).
  • @yhalsall2641
    I am reserching for a children's book series I am wanting to create. I came across your video and want to thank you for sharing .
  • There needs to be a book on mental health issues. I have bipolar disorder and most people don't know it and don't understand.
  • Thanks so much for sharing this video!!!!! I work in a special needs college and this group of books would be great in our library!
  • I love Lucy's picture. I. read it when I was little.
  • @250Rem
    You can you give some good idea what give for my little cousin for Christmas this year