Pokemon Online Battle Versus Angelino

Published 2023-05-20
This video is not intended for viewers hoping to see elitist gameplay. Although I do IV breed and EV train my Pokemon strictly due to disliking the prospect of losing due to inferior numbers, my battle style strictly employs Pokemon I like wielding strategies I believe are fun to implement. If those tactics happen to be effective, that's just a bonus.

That said, I love battling online, and figured I might as well record some of my matches. However, I will not be uploading battles that I deem were too one-sided, or those where either player quit or disconnected very early in the match. I will also not be uploading matches that started off really well, but wound up spiraling into a lackluster experience halfway through due to one player suddenly gaining, and maintaining all of the momentum, unless it happens in an interesting manner (such as making a glorious comeback with their last Pokemon). Whether or not those matches were enjoyable to play, I don't believe they would be very interesting to watch, especially if the winner is way too obvious nearly from the start. Because of that, only a very fine minority of my recorded matches (as in about 5-10%) will actually be uploaded.

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