I Found Dolphins in a Sewer!

Published 2024-01-03
In today’s video, I find dolphins living in a sewer, along with a ton of other rare fish! After discovering axolotls living in this sewer in a recent video, I decided to go back to see what else I could find! So I started netting around and I caught TONS of rare fish including exotic catfish, knife fish, Oscar’s, cichlids, giant gourami, albino plecos, and MORE! I kept netting in the sewer, and I ended up discovering something CRAZY! I found what looked like an alligator skull, meaning we could encounter one… But we kept going and I ended up finding an extremely rare tiger salamander! However, the water became too murky in the 1st sewer so we decided to explore the second one! Immediately we caught a ton of big fish including a clown knife fish, big cichlids, and a MONSTER snakehead! We also found more rare fish including datnoids, colorful crawfish, lungfish, and even a freshwater dolphin! I then placed my 2 fish traps in the sewer, and left them overnight to hopefully catch something crazy! When it was finally time to check the traps, we found pufferfish, big catfish, African cichlids, rare alien fish, and more dolphins! We brought everything back to my house and put them into my backyard ponds and aquariums! Should we go back for a part 3?

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All Comments (21)
  • I can’t believe all the mysterious fish we caught! Should we go back and do a part 3?
  • @Teee1820
    “We gotta get all this fish out of here before they die”

    Tosses the Tilapia back
  • @meghant673
    I love his excitement with each new fish. It is so pure and refreshing 🥰🤍
  • @EPToomb
    Just wanted to thank you for getting my 9 year old little girl so interested in the hobby... Now when we go to the fish store she's calling out cichlids and gouramis like it's nothing. Great videos..
  • The brown striped catfish was a big bumblebee catfish, the silver diamond-shaped fish are called monodactylus, or monos, and the dolphin fish is indeed called an african or freshwater dolphin fish, native to the great african lakes, they are predatory and electric, grow around 60 cm, and are relatives of the black ghost knifefish & elephant fish
  • @nezuko_chan9677
    Tiger Salamanders eat worms, snails, insects, and slugs

    Salamanders prefer dampened sphagnum moss or a mulch-like substrate, like coconut husk fiber or cypress mulch. You should create a moisture gradient by keeping the substrate on one side of the enclosure moist while the substrate on the other side is drier.

    Name suggestion:
  • I had no idea there could be such beautiful, colorful fish in a sewer, of all places.
  • The dolphin fish that you caught is indeed a Freshwater Dolphin Fish. They are found in west Africa, and the shocks that you felt was indeed an electric shock. They use it to find food and defend themselves from predators
  • @user-qs8dw9qp4j
    The mysterious catfish you guys caught was a “Leopard Catfish” and the dolphin looking ones were “Fresh Water Dolphin Fish” I hope that helped!
  • @Day1onDay1
    This is the most entertaining video I've seen.
  • @nayar824
    Catches like 5 Tilapia
    "Back to the death pit they go"
    Aggressively throws Tilapia's
  • When you get around to it, I'm sure we could all agree that a pond by pond update is in order. 😉
  • @jameswu3902
    This sewer has like crazy fish so I’m happy you did this video
  • @Woods766
    That salamander that you caught IS in fact a tiger salamander. But, apologies don't turn into tiger salamaders. There is a larvae, which I forgot the name, but their nickname is called Water Dog. Those "axolotls" were water dogs and they turn into tiger salamanders. If an axolotl turns into a salamader, its not a healthy one. Also, axolotls normally get really big (like mine) and the water dogs look almost identical to the wild morph of axolotls.
    That's just some facts so you know next time 😁
  • Freshwater Dolphin Fish is a rare fish in the trade and nearly impossible to properly ID. As part of the Mormyridae fish family, these fish are not actual “dolphins” but fish that resemble them, hence the name. They are fairly blind and rely on their electrical pulse to navigate; they can and will bump into objects (especially if you rearrange your decorations) so it is important to choose decorations that do not have any sharp edges.

    Care Level: Moderate
    Max Size: 30″
    Temperament: Peaceful
    Diet: A variety of worms, crustaceans, daphnia, frozen brine shrimp, frozen Mysis frozen bloodworms, eventually will take flake or pellet but should be fed live or frozen until well settled into your tank
    Min Tank size: 20 gallons when small eventually will need a 55 or larger
    Water Temp: 77-81 F
    Water pH: 6.7 – 7.3

    Btw, this is copy and pasted, not my work!
    Edit: Yall I copied and pasted this from safari it ain’t my work 😭

    Edit 2:
    Hmmm I don’t mean to be that person but I haven’t ever gotten this many likes :D
  • @Oreo-jp3ik
    Why are u always doing most of ur videos at night? Really love ur vids 🔥 Keep going
  • The dolphin like fish you caught is a Bottle Nosed Mormyrid, otherwise known as the freshwater dolphin. They are very rare. Good catch!