Published 2024-07-23

All Comments (21)
  • Haven’t joined the discord yet but please suggest to them that they need to update the military unit models!! Specifically the 4 and 5 star ships for destroyers and aircraft carriers…they need to make them based off of modern designs…not futuristic looking crap. Same goes for the fighter jets! The 4 and 5 star models are too weird looking. They need to make country specific models for the major powers…F-22, F-35, Rafale, Eurofighter, Su-57, J-10, etc.
  • I've been playing the series since 2007, it would be insanely gratifying if they fix some of the older bugs that have been around forever.
  • @alanjgr
    Is it still bugged like all the other verses?
  • I'm gonna watch this later in the day, but I have a question. Have they implemented the feature of seeing the breakdown of all the types of income the state has? My biggest pet peeve is not knowing what my biggest source of revenue in the budget is, thus not knowing what would effect it negatively in term of revenue shrinkage. Sry if you've covered this in the video.
  • Is anyone else having trouble in Geo-Political Sim 5 where the water is completely white when you start the game, and the countries turn blue when you zoom in?
  • Instead of this map full of icons, they should by a list by country and being able to open an infinite amount if you want by City, a window that opens and shows all companies by sectors instead of ipnes putting less RAM and better performance
  • @Joe13313
    Funny how the same music from Rulers of Nations and Masters of the world is on there. Anyways how long until the steam release?
  • Worst thing about that game series, is even if every version has some new features, you cant play earlier start dates, so every version basically moves 1 year up. Would be actually nice to have all those features and Go back to play on pandemic scenario or Go back to 2008 to feel economic depression. Or go back to 2001 to fight war against terrorism. Sadly all those nice features are only for new version. I think Eversims still have Data about earlier versions so they should make available to choose start date and use recorded data to set values.
  • could try to find smallest Corporation and take over the word country by country company by company. Think its more Fun than start Super corporation who has all the advantages since start.
  • @Lightning-p6f
    Great Stream! Got any cool planned playthroughs and such?
  • @TheSkyGuy77
    Welp, guess I'm sticking with the previous game (for now)
  • @fdandxd3884
    I had no expectations. I think the concept of the game and the complexity is really fun but the problem is with the CORE of the game/simulation. By core I mean the engine the game is running on. The processes that take place in it. How is it possible to buy a game. Load a new game and encounter a bug after 5 seconds. It is an overpriced indie game that aspires to be what HOI4 is what EU4 is what Stellaris is or any other grand strategy game that is curently more popular. I had the previos "edition" of the game for maybe 30 minutes and while it is fun to watch people who actually invested time in learning how to play the game without breaking it on accident is fun but trying to get on it myself was like playing darts blindfolded but the target is a countrys economy. You raise some kind of tax too high? Economy explodes. They need to make a new engine for the game. Something more stable, less complicated and more appealing to peaple who actually want to play it. Fix the bugs, make the economy in the game based on something not just on funds dropping out of a printer at a speed of light times ten and omg get rid of these gmod era models because even a picture of some persona would be better than this. Also AI generated picture on a first loading screen? Cmon you can do better than that.
  • @OrdinaryX11
    I haven't watch much of the livestream, yet i can already say that with Eversim's reputation and the current state of this game it shouldn't cost more than $30 for this E-A-R-L-Y access, assuming they want to sell the final product for $60. Because their reputation is of having for the last 8 years charged $50 for annual updates, that didn't even fixed the bugs present since launch date and now they are bold enough to charge the same $50 for a half baked early acess game. This really kills the chance of creating a solid player base, they should look at what the developers of Manor Lords did. ML costs 30 bucks and is more polished than GPS4 ever was, it's almost depressing for me seeing such a big franchise being wasted. I really, really wan't to believe this game is gonna be a turning point for this company, but it certainly didn't get me excited when i saw the price. I hope i'm wrong.