Modern Media’s Obsession With Body Positivity

Published 2023-10-30
—Modern Media’s Obsession—
Hollywood’s obsession is anything they think will make them money. One of those things being an aggressive message of toxic positivity.

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#marvel #mcu #videoessay #dceu ##disney #pixar #captainmarvel #themarvels #spiderman2 #maryjane

All Comments (20)
  • @delshi13
    Anybody remember when the "body positivity" community got mad at Rebel Wilson for losing weight? Haters even called her a "traitor".
  • @neme-chan
    Making fun of short men is body shaming. Pointing out that fat person is living a worse life and is sick is literally truth they're scared to hear
  • @shockwave487
    Careful Cynic. TurfNation might make half hour video essay trying to make you look like a toxic bigot while simultaneously unironically proving your point.
  • @ainternet239
    I don’t want to see myself represented on screen, I want to see a GOOD STORY
  • @Hepheat75
    We don't want ugly characters, we want appealing characters. They don't have to be sexy, they just need to be characters that look like healthy human beings that don't look like they spent all their time at an all you can eat buffet.
  • @Enigma75614
    I still think it’s insane that Lizzo was fat-shaming her dancers.
  • @AKATenn
    Real body positivity is teaching people how to be healthy... why they call teaching people that being morbidly unhealthy is ok "positive" is beyond me, it's extremely negative to be unhealthy.
  • @Andriej69
    They WANT us fat and essentially crippled, this is the best and most scary thing about that Wall-E movie
  • @liahnotleah
    I miss when body positivity used to mean "Are you missing a limb? Maybe your stomach is covered in stretch marks after giving birth? Do you have a large discolored birth mark on your body? Or a bunch of scars from years of surgery? Don't worry about any of that, because you are still beautiful and worthy!" Body positivity used to have MEANING. It used to be worth something. Now it's just encouraging people to be lazy and be self-proclaimed victims.
  • “I have a black brother in law so basically what I’m saying is my sister is fat” 😂😂😂 that’s just the best
  • Also hate Body Positivity. What exactly is there to be positive about being massively overweight, unable to run, jump or even do basic functions and hating yourself everytime you look in the mirror.
  • Toxic positivity is a perfect name for it, tbh. And this is far from the first time a lifestyle that used to be considered bad was not only re-imagined to be good but also shown to be superior to the opposing way of life. Take, for example, Lady and the Tramp. In that film, Tramp's "ride or die," no commitment lifestyle is shown to be liberating in some aspects. But it also results in Lady being traumatized after she was carted off to the pound. In that film, family and commitment were shown as the lifestyle that most people should ultimately strive for. Fast forward to Toy Story 4. Woody is the one supporting the notion of family and commitment and Bo Peep is championing the 'no commitment, ride or die' mindset. But Toy Story 4 treats Woody as the one in the wrong, to the point where he throws away those values to adopt Bo Peep's. Disney is so obsessed with being "inclusive" to all lifestyles that they have swung too far in the other direction to where they are now actively promoting destructive and selfish lifestyles.
  • I mean if you step back and think about it... This is one demographic they have right 70% of Americans are obese... That's a pretty large target😂😂😂😂 pun intended
  • @UniqueLove32
    This movement would be aimed at a women like me, but I hate it. I watch entertainment to see fantasies. If I wanted to see myself "represented" I'd look in a freaking mirror! In the words of Katt Williams "It's called SELF ESTEEM!!!" I don't need Hollywood or anyone else but myself to feel good about who I am 🫶🏾🩷🤦🏾‍♀️
  • @_Kakoosh
    I can’t think of anything more toxic than glamorizing/normalizing obesity and heart failure. When it’s literally the #1 cause of death in the United States.
  • @jeremyusreevu237
    Spot on, Cynic. I absolutely hate the culture of toxic positivity. I know this video is about body positivity specifically, but I'm sick of it in all fields. I'm sick of the media shoving obnoxious pandering messages with no real depth or solutions, just yammering on and on about the same things over and over again, and the people who its aimed for eating it up, and calling anyone who doesn't swallow a bigot. Not to mention the multiple people who will sign your name in the Death Note if you so much as DARE say a SINGLE NEGATIVE THING ABOUT ANY MOVIE IN EXSISTENCE. Like, even if it's a movie they hate, these people will whine and complain. I'm not kidding, there are Rise Of Skywalker haters mad that people are saying bad things about ROS. These people can't fathom the idea that sometimes negativity is a necessary and important part of fandom, that people don't just hate to hate, they hate because it's fun to discuss and analyze why we dislike something. But these people like things because liking things is what a fan is supposed to do. And I'm sick of it. Stop acting like being negative is this horrible thing, and just allow yourself to hate things. Side note, if you hate yourself, go look up r/SaltierThanKrayt. It is literally toxic positivity the subreddit, and it is one of the most cringey, obnoxious, self obsessed echochambers on the internet. It's like an endurance test going on that rancid subreddit.
  • @TheAuthorStudios
    "Toxic Positivity" is one of the most useful terms i found those last phew months It perfectly describes a LOT of issues i have with people's attitute.
  • @promemerboy1765
    It’s sad to see Pixar go from warning us about obesity to promoting it
  • @michaelmcgee2026
    With only a minute into the video: For me Hollywood, superheros, athletes all of it is supposed to be the peak of physical performance, beauty, and the physical form. I don't pay a monthly streaming fee to see my average fat next door neighbors. Judge it for what you will but it's the truth.