Tired Franchises Hollywood Refuses To Let Die

Published 2023-05-26

All Comments (21)
  • I remember the creator behind Powerpuff girls saying on Twitter he pitched something like 9 original shows and none of them got picked up. But as soon as he said reboot Powerpuff girls the studio was all over him
  • @EweOlive
    So I’m 100% behind Amanda’s idea: Redemptions instead of remakes. Was technologically not able to support your concept? Was great technology and concept failed by an inept director or casting agent/cast? Prove it! Fix the “issues” and redo it right!
  • @KelsoRockz
    Dear Hollywood, We are tired of the same story being told for decades. Also, action and CGI and special effects can’t replace a great story with good characters. Sincerely, the whole world
  • @ishathakor
    honestly the funniest thing about james bond is how checked out daniel craig is. you can tell he's just there to collect a paycheck most of the time. watching the first knives out movie was so wild for me because he was giving like 120% compared to the bare minimum he's doing in most of the bond movies. hilarious
  • @annetanoh3891
    The worse thing about Harry potter is that there are so many things they can talk about: the marauders, the founding fathers, even focusing on the trio's children, idk. Why retell the story of Harry, Hermione and Ron again?
  • @trinaq
    The "Home Alone" movies deserve an honourable mention. The first two with Macaulay Culkin are undeniable classics, but everything afterwards has been the same old tired formula. The most recent movie tried to spruce things up by making the burglars sympathetic, but it backfired by making you root for them over the obnoxious kid protagonist.
  • @mckenziepictures
    Just a side note: The "Planet of the Apes" franchise has been in existence since 1968. There was a television series in the early seventies as well.
  • @seriously58
    Normally my line is: "If you want it to die, don't go watch the crap" - but there are too many cases these days, where flop after flop happened and the studios keep churning out films or TV shows in the franchise. No idea here...are those films making their money on bluray and streaming? Through commercial breaks when broadcasted or sold abroad? But at the end of the day, we can claim "everyone hated xyz" - but you only need 100 million people to spend 10 dollars on their ticket and you get the success of Aladdin or so. 100 million sounds a lot, but that is just 25 million families if mom, dad and the kiddies go. Disney won't care if 8 BILLION people hated it ^^ (which I am pretty sure didn't hate it of course)
  • @trinaq
    The ending of Toy Story 3 felt like a fitting conclusion, with Andy accepting that he has to grow up, and giving Woody, Buzz and the others to Bonnie. The fourth movie was alright, but still felt unnecessary. However, with the announcement of a FIFTH installment, it just feels dragged out, especially since Woody is no longer with the other toys.
  • @mjewrites
    What confuses me the most about the Harry Potter reboot series is: what are they going to do about merch? what about the theme parks? what about the WB studios tour in London? They can’t completely erase the movies because they’re still very significant in pop culture and generate a ton of money. The theme parks and merch are licensed for the movies specifically and use the voices and likenesses of the movie’s characters. When the series comes out will they just have two competing adaptations? Who would buy TV Harry’s wand when movie Harry’s wand is right there? They’re setting up the series for failure already just by comparison.
  • @jocortez3816
    Now I want a list of movies that had amazing plots/concepts but were executed poorly that really need/deserve a reboot today
  • I have a gut feeling that the Harry Potter series won't be that good
  • It's frustrating but not suprising to see studios prioritize cashing in on established brands over taking risks on new ideas and stories.
  • @bassgoldfish8047
    This video made me realize how much I love the 2000s Charlie’s Angels that I went out and bought it… and watch all two movies in one go 😂. Thanks for the video!
  • @Mahrac126
    One of the most painful things about Charlie's Angels is that it had a successful... well not a franchise but a very-clearly-inspired-by animated series in Totally Spies so we even know it's doable, Hollywood just can't do it.
  • What do you MEAN there was an animated Fast and Furious TV show with 6 seasons in 2 years I never heard a single thing about it until now
  • @devilwithin1738
    all of these were such great picks to talk about never ending franchises. massive kudos to you man. if there were anymore to talk about (other than star wars and the mcu of course), it would be predator, transformers, and home alone. and speaking of film franchises having obscure animated spin off shows, i just found out that theres a jurassic world animated series out there. end all suffering...
  • @anttam117
    The pop culture stagnation is, quite honestly, baffling...
  • @biihisme
    I think the only franchise that truly deserves a reboot/revival is Percy Jackson. The movies we got never did justice to the original and unlike most other IPs, fans have actually been asking for it to be redone. Not only that, but Rick Riordan is very obviously taking his time with the show, being involved in every step of the way. It truly feels more like a passion project than a cash grab and because of that I think it's one of the few of these revival projects that will actually be good. I just hope it won't underperform due to people being so exhausted of reboots.