How to make money from an invention | Patents Explained | Rich Goldstein

If you want to make money from an invention you need a strategy of value creation. If you are ready to patent your invention I'd like to invite you to a complimentary patent strategy call at

Let's touch on value creation from your invention. You need to find someone who sees enough value in what you're doing that they want to pay for it.

Understanding "exchange of value" in business is critical. You need to create value from your invention so other people are willing to pay for it.

The payment (the money) can come from direct customers who buy your invention. Another way is through people who see a way to profit from your invention. This is where a company believes they would be able to create value in the world using your invention... That they'll be able to sell products if they had access to or the right to use your invention.

Click “Play” on the video above for how to make money from a patent

Or... If you’re ready to patent your invention… or you’re wondering if your invention is patentable…

I’d like to invite you to a complimentary patent strategy call at

This is where a member of my team connects with you by phone at the time of your choosing. We patiently listen to you, help you understand all your options, and then follow the best path to protect your valuable idea.

There is no charge, and it's your first step to securing patent protection on your invention. Schedule now at


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Goldstein Patent Law is a New York and New Jersey based Law firm specializing in patents and trademarks for nearly 30 years.

With over 2,000 registered patents, Goldstein Patent Law continuously helps protect ideas and educate business owners about Intellectual Property through custom legal strategies.

IP protection gives you the right to fight copycats and thieves. It turns ideas into profit-making assets and increases the market value of a business.

Our personalized services include:

- Patent:
- Trademark:
- Copyright:
- International Protection:

Don't risk losing the rights to your ideas.

Book a complimentary strategy session with my top-rated patent and trademark team at


コメント (19)
  • Thank You for taking the time to record this message! this information is truly important for any first time inventor!
  • Appreciate all this info! I’m in Biotech R&D and getting closer to patents with some of my research. My inner inventor is ready for a turn for the better! ❤
  • I am glad to knew about it's information. I has been looking for this some times, for to conduct my ideas for to becoming invention by sale to potential buyer's. Thanks, Antonio da Luz
  • @Steve-td5xu
    I know someone who had A great idea and was looking for someone that would see his vision and investLooked at it and said no I ain't no good and went out and manufactured It himself because he had the moneyBecame filthy rich
  • Thank you for i have an invention with Davison inventions that I imagined and we made now it is sitting in there showroom waiting for it to be licensed for manufacturing and sale. Is that normal or should they not be trying to sell it to various companies. It is a good and viable invention.
  • Thanks for this Clearing explanation about ideas and inventions in the way to be manufactured and get in to Marketing, or whatever you want to get profits from royalty ect, ect. I am an inventor way walking but I have a little trouble because my finance situation ---- since appear to be stuck with, but I am keeping trying dealing with Davidson invent Management together with Mr Matthews O. Thanks, Antonio da Luz😮
  • @John-wx3zn
    Step 1: love and care about the other person. then once that is satisfied, everybody loves you and wants to love you and then you can have a feast and invite the homeless, lame and poor who can not pay you back
  • Always get a pattent first or you will have it stolen out from under you. Tell the truth!
  • @teddyudoye1515
    Physiologically ideology compelling information is wealth insightfulness and Crucial power. Inessence of our modern world ! imagine the Nations ; of CHINA, India, and RUSSIA, Brazil/etc eager to invest in your ideological profoundment. You don't have to begain for your inventory most needed invention for the Civilizelity world.
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