Why We Left Our Dream Life in Mexico

Publicado 2024-07-22

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @RodNiy-dr5no
    Amazing video, you work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires
  • You're a natural in front of the camera. A full time YouTuber is the way to go!
  • Honesty and transparency -- that's all that we can ask for. Thanks for sharing!!!
  • People are so thirsty for the truth. Truth is like an animal in extinction. Thanks for being genuine, Paul. Looking forward to your content.
  • Paul is great to see you here. I will keep watching your videos. Hope down the road you can go back to Mexico.
  • I love your channel. I'm 54 and have been living as an expat for 24 years....Americans have been culturally conditioned to be in debt...bad types of debt...and life goes by.....great on your decision to go to Mexico and actually LIVE life....and you will continue...I look forward to future videos....perhaps on life on the expensive USA. I visit my parents every year. Estudio Espanol desde Vietnam.
  • @acollier6002
    I'm so glad my mother is agreeing to come with me before we even get to this point. I applaud you and your wife for this HUGE sacrifice.
  • Whew! I thought for a second you were quitting Youtube. I'm so glad you're staying as your content is both entertaining and informative. Best of luck. Thank you Paul!
  • Paul and Linda, I am a retiree fan of yours from Cancun. Maintain your connections in MX, so when things change for you again, you will have your support base to help you to regresse.
  • Im a 51 year old widow. I have 2 kids under 18. I have PROMISED them They will NEVER have to "take care if me" I'll never allow it even if they offer, once I can't take care of myself if I make it that far I will pay for my care, it's called Planning People. I will NEVER burden my kids/family in my old age. GenX please don't do this to your kids.
  • I am in my late 60's. I would NEVER expect my family to leave their happy homes and come take care of me. My mother told the same thing to me. Only creates resentment.
  • I hope I never have to make a decision like you've had to make. Like you I moved to Mexico in 2015 and I consider it one of the best decisions I've ever made. I don't have enough income to live comfortably in the U.S. but it's enough that here in Mexico I've actually saved a nice little nest egg, own a beautiful house, and live debt free. Mexico is my home now and at 77 years old if I had to move back to the U.S. I'm sure I would spiral into a bottomless depression.
  • Kudos Paul for taking life by the horns and rolling with the punching. I've been following you on YouTube since 2017. Your videos about moving to Mexico were very inspirational to me since that's what I would like to do one day. I wish you the best in this new chapter of your life. You always offer great information. Thank you and good luck.
  • @liamstone3437
    "She wasn't having any of that". When an adult gets dementia they inherit the accountability and decision making ability of a child. I am an RN. I see families torn apart by unrealistic efforts on behalf of demented parents. The ones that do best have a family leader willing to make hard decisions. I am afraid I would have taken my parent "for a vacation" and then kept her at the new location. The last thing I would do is come out of retirement and incur debt to please someone who is increasingly child-like. Sorry but I think most people would regret your decision.
  • All of the information you've imparted has helped me in my life here in Mexico. Thank you for all you've done to make life easier for others.
  • I'm a Spanish teacher! I use your videos all of the time. Thank you!
  • Thanks for sharing. My adult son and I have been traveling/living/working in a 28' used RV all over central Mexico since Nov. 2022. Since our main source of income is from an online business (web & marketing mainly for vacation rental businesses) we earn money as we go. A wise person once said, "The worst day working for yourself is better than the best day working for someone else". And so it is.
  • @cobracommander9138
    Props to you guys for not sticking your mother in law in an old folks home. Putting your parents in an old folks home and then forgetting about them is the most American thing to do. When my father got dementia everyone told me to put him in an old folks home. Even social workers banging on my door telling me to put him in an old folks home. When my father was sick and in the hospital as he was rehabing they sent him to a rehab home that's also an old folks home. The care was terrible I told the staff that I was taking him outside to get fresh air and never brought him back. I quit my job to take care of him and lived on savings, credit cards and small jobs here and there. I'm broke and in debt but I'm so glad I was there for him until his last day.
  • You are the reason I am living in Mexico—your video -can you live on social security got me thinking. I arrived in Querétaro in 2021 with a dog, two cats and three suitcases. I thank you for that video and that nudge to re—invent myself at 70. I wish you all the best.