Final Doom: Plutonia [Map07] UVMax in 1:19

Publicado 2024-03-14
Sorry if the video is a little blurrier than usual, got a new pc and still need to figure out some of the recording settings!

Do yourself a favor and don't run this level, the route sucks, the enemy behaviour sucks, the ammo management sucks, THAT ARCHVILE is a professional level dickhead, greatest of all time, one of a kind, he's a generational superstar.


The route wouldn't be nearly as frustrating if it didn't rely on such awful monster behaviour. Mancubus take too many rockets? Restart! Chaingunner won't stop shooting at you? Restart! Baron wants to get in your way on the lift? Restart! Baron steps off and doesn't go up the lift? Time loss! Arachnotrons don't group up well and deal too much damage? Restart! Revenants don't group up properly? Restart! SKIP THE LINEDEF FOR THE ARCHVILE TO RAISE???? RESTART! Archvile dodges all your rockets whilst similatenous hitting the whip and nae nae? Thats right, restart! There's just so so so so so much RNG that is out of your hands. I was able to use the UVSpeed strat to jump the gap and keep the baron on the elevator, which was much more consistent, however it was also pretty hard for me to get good at, and ultimately no matter what you do, that archvile will be there right at the very end to stop you from exiting.


My PB with rewinds was 1:13, and there's about two seconds worth of timesave from bad execution in this demo, but getting the RNG required is just so frustrating and tiresome and I won't be doing it!

Enjoyment: 0/10
Attempts: 1526

Going to play a fun level next I swear.

Shameless advertisement, but I do a lot of these maxes on stream, and i'd appreciate it a lot of you wanted to check that out!

Todos los comentarios (7)
  • Basically, it's just milking the game for favorable RNG rolls. Which is sort of against the premise of speedrunning which, in its purity, should measure the pure skill and it's frustrating when it measures the time spent milking the RNG.