Eternals Pitch Meeting

Published 2021-11-09
Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Marvel’s Eternals!

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After Avengers Endgame, Marvel has the massive task of not only continuing their surviving heroes' stories, but also making audiences care about all new characters and all-new universe-threatening events. Their latest movie Eternals takes on the gargantuan challenge of introducing ten new superheroes AND explaining why they’re only showing up now. This thing’s getting complicated.

Eternals definitely raises some questions. Like should this have been a Disney Plus show? Why do the Eternals only have important conversations at Golden Hour? Why is introducing humans to weapons not considered interfering in their affairs? Wouldn’t the Celestials be interested in stopping Thanos if they need a massive population to birth celestials? Why didn’t Kumail have a shirtless scene after all that work!? What have these post-credit scenes become?!

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the Pitch Meeting that led to Eternals! It’ll be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

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All Comments (21)
  • @LaughBoys
    Marvel: “Now that the Avengers arc has concluded, how many superheroes do you think we can jam into a single film?” Writer: “Yes.”
  • @seanmatyas3938
    Falcon gets a new suit = needs a mini series 10 new characters no one have ever heard of = 2.5 hour film
  • @shubhamjha8097
    I love the fact that he ignores Kit Harington's character just like they did in the movie
  • @debankanm
    "We will cast Kit Harrington" "He was Jon Snow!! What will be his role?" "He will be the guy who knows nothing"
  • @miketeabag6501
    Couldn't help laughing during the film when they kept standing in formation for no reason, I knew screen rant would pick up on that 😂
  • @chao547
    "Well, i think this could be a fantastic series. ""This is a movie." "I said what i said."
  • " sound like it coul be a fantastic series." "this is a movie" "i said what i said" 🤣🤣🤣
  • @troyorem
    I also think it’s interesting how according to Kingo, Thor knows he exists, but he doesn’t take his calls anymore. You think Thor would have mentioned he knew about more massively powerful beings that could have definitely helped in most of the avengers’ conflicts.
  • @unclecreepy4185
    Once again, it’s nice that an Avenger-level threat doesn’t concern the Avengers enough to get involved so the movie can happen. But to be fair, the Avengers are pretty busy with PTSD support groups and finding watches.
  • “i bet it’s gonna be hard to beat a cosmic celestial being who’s practically god” “actually it’s gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience” “oh really?” “yeah they basically become the power rangers and defeat the celestial with the power of friendship” “friends are TIGHT”
  • @MattDeezly
    I feel like the entire reason Kit Harington was in this movie is because one of the writers was into a VERY SPECIFIC type of GoT fanfic and wanted to hear him say "I love you Cersei"
  • @ferreirpj
    I love that Kingo bails on the 3rd act like a boss and gives zero Fs to his celestial buddies lmao
  • "An alcoholic trolls pops out of a space portal and introduces one of the guys from one direction...." I could not have described it any better!!! Great pitch!
  • "If you're gonna have a character named Icarus, you've gotta have that guy fly into the sun." "Yeah, our hands are tied on that one."
  • @Crossbones6732
    I just love how the Producer is bringing up the Disney Plus Marvel shows. “You are aware you can have more time to explore this concept, right? There is literally no limit to our power.”
  • @thatgirl298
    The deviant evolving plot line was sooooo interesting they could’ve done so much with that oh my god! When Thena killed him I was like am I supposed to be glad ???? Could he not be reasoned with?? Missed opportunity for something cool!!
  • @nishitd
    "it could be a fantastic series" "It's a movie." "I SAID WHAT I SAID" ASSERTIVE PRODUCER GUY IS TIGHT
  • @FuzzyStripetail
    Ryan's pitch for Eternals probably would have been tight if he had pitched it precisely at Golden Hour.
  • If she had the power to turn Sprite into a human: a completely other species, then why couldn’t she have changed Sprite’s appearance instead and let her keep her powers?