The design portfolio that got me hired at Wealthsimple

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At some point during your design interview process, you’ll probably be asked to share your portfolio presentation. I recently did exactly that for my new job at Wealthsimple. Here’s a walkthrough of the portfolio presentation that ultimately got me hired. Enjoy!

This is a sponsored video.
Looking for 1:1 mentorship or feedback on your portfolio? Book a session with me on Superpeer:

Looking for a new design job? Browse my job board of fresh product design roles:

0:00 - Intro
1:03 - Chapter 1: About Me
2:58 - Chapter 2: The Work — First case study
4:19 - Framer
5:17 - Second case study
10:45 - Third case study
13:39 - Wrapping up with the final pitch


My logo animation is done by Austin Saylor:
My brand is designed by Black & White studios:
Some videos are edited by Nancy Palm:

Visit this link for a list of curated UX Design resources and tools:

コメント (21)
  • @jrmyfabia
    Aside from sharing an effective portfolio deck and presentation, you also managed to give us learning. In the 3rd case study, instead of starting with a problem statement, you showed an opportunity statement. Framing an opportunity rather than a problem, that's very a good business-centric approach especially for stakeholders and recruiters. Now that's something I would take a look at in making my case studies in the future. Congrats on your new job, Femke! :-)
  • Hey Femke, I never comment on videos, haven't done so in years. But I've been struggling in my Product Design job search so bad constantly redoing my resume and portfolio time and time again. I'd get so many interviews from major companies and make it several rounds but NEVER passed a portfolio review. I used this template in my last review this week and to my suprise, I'm moving forward! That's wild. Thank you so much for sharing and helping me out on my career journey.
  • That's such a great portfolio breakdown! I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who prefers slides over links to websites or prototypes.
  • Congrats & all the best! I really like the way you make these things easy to understand. You are really an inspiration for many.
  • Super transparent, concise and straightforward. Such a strong video. Thank you!
  • Thanks for walking through your design portfolio, Femke! I appreciate the transparency - really helps newer designers, like myself, understand the industry a bit better and how to grow :)
  • Thank you so much Femke! I have a portfolio presentation next week and this has been quite helpful 😢. Gosh! I'm so glad people like you exist on the internet 🌻
  • @tuams
    This is really good! Thank you, this really spells out what I'm missing from my current presentation!
  • This video is so insightful! Thank you Femke! Also, I am coming back to this video after about 6 months and I am impressed how Framer pivoted so fast from a design tool to a no-code website maker!
  • Hi Femke, It was lucky to watch your video when I struggled to make the portfolio presentation. :virtualhug:
  • @throbicon
    Excellent video! Your presentation is top notch. You helped me see so many great ideas for my programming portfolio! Thank you Femke!!!
  • Congrats Femke! & all the best for your future! You really inspire me a lot!
  • @anfisign
    You're amazing, Femke! It was super inspiring to see your behind the scenes!
  • Wow! Once again thanks for sharing real real real examples instead just a template with lorem ipsum! You are awesome Femke! Will rewatch this video again and again!
  • Congrats Femke. You inspire me and i am so happy for you.
  • Thanks for sharing Femke. This is so helpful! I always listen to your podcast and videos and they help me to grow in my design career. You are very inspiring! Vero from Chile :) 🇨🇱
  • Your videos have been incredibly helpful as I prep for internship interviews. Looking forward to your next video :)
  • Hey Femke!! Congrats on your new job and on your amazing channel. I binge watched all your content preparing for a major round of interviews and I have to say that this video opened so many opportunities for me, I just got a new job because I was able to story tell my designer profile, strengths, pillars and projects. Your content has so much value and I admire you so much!
  • Amazing approach across your entire portfolio. I love what you covered in the first slides.
  • Congrats on the new job! (A year late!) This is such a helpful video for designers at every level. I’m preparing an updated version of my deck for a new opportunity and I can already see the areas this will impact.