A Rant on Layoffs in Gaming | Asmongold Reacts

Published 2024-06-17

All Comments (21)
  • @XSquidbeatsX
    Darksouls 3 took 3 years to make, I just think western devs are bloated with bureaucrats. Why do triple A games take 7 years?
  • @jz5811
    No game, no studio. I don’t quite understand why these big companies could tolerate a studio without gaming for decades but focus on condemning toxic gamers and social movements instead.
  • As someone who's worked in the games industry for 8 years, it's mad how much incompetence there is at the top level.
  • @cmbaz1140
    to be honest the gaming industry has been working overtime to earn this ... they deserve every bit of what is happening now...
  • When you go public + Diss your core target fans + bending knee submission to DEI policy + chasing, pandering and pleasing for that ESG money loan + Do low-effort uncreative ideas + accepting unoptimized buggy slop to rush development:
  • @Sly_404
    Just look at the new Dragons Age game. You have a trailer that completely misses the mark and senior developers on the project telling people “this game isn’t made for you”. Should I feel bad if the game flops and BioWare gets shut down? Should I feel for the devs calling everyone Bigots that question the black samurai in the new AC? No!
  • @keezo1234
    Layoff the entire DEI departments of all gaming companies
  • “People won’t like you if you’re ugly.” So dead pan I fuckin died!
  • @notYisan
    this is why you shouldn't pick CEO from non gaming company. games doesn't scale like conventional consumer product. it also suffers from multiple diminishing returns on many aspect of its development cycle. its also terribly complex, its a science, an art, and a business. good luck juggling that if you dont care about game.
  • @ethanforster
    One big issue is ultra specialisation and the fact that there are not as many jack of all trade middle men who can get all the stuff working right together. Specialists often wont work on something even slightly outside of their ultra specilised niche and this means that bugs often go unfixed or systems dont work well together.
  • @savior224
    I was one of the people affected by this. our QA department in the UK got wiped out and they decided to transfer all testing to India
  • @garitobee7541
    People who prioritize graphics in video games are people who don't actually like video games.
  • @goodfinity8432
    Bruh those devs really need to get out and touch grass. Made shit game, game not sell, not get paid, studio gone, and they still blame others like wtf
  • @FISHGOMOO4321
    For real though, as a someone who has been working as a Developer for over a decade now, there has been a huge influx of absolutely dog shit programmers that have come into the industry because people told them online that it's easy money and they've lucked their way into it.
  • @Krapvag
    people always rush to defend developers, but games are still broken 1-2 years after launch with same problems. They don't seem to have any pride in work or even know what to do with these problems
  • @DaeronValyria
    >Let’s make the Persians black with black people hair. >one of the biggest surprises in audience not liking it
  • @jamescody9982
    Oh man, they'd never survive in oil and gas... we get 10k man layoffs in waves every time a project finishes. Imagine an irl ban wave at work every 12- 16 months