The Future of Game Development | Asmongold Reacts

Published 2024-06-18

All Comments (21)
  • Developers being surprised how negatively Suicide Squad was recieved kind of shows how out of touch some developers are with gamers.
  • Game companies are like sports teams. The team that won your heart and the championship 10 years ago isn't the same team struggling to score on the bottom of the leaderboard today. The sooner people realise this the better. Bioware, Rocksteady, Blizzard, Rockstar, etc are just names and all the talent that made the games you love are long gone.
  • @DocBrewskie
    A lot of my fav games aren’t AAA games. Once games and movies started costing $100-200 million shit went sideways. Zero risk taking or innovation.
  • @IchbinX
    Personally, I'm tired of the MOMENT a studio gets remotely large, they completely turn on their customers.
  • The problem with modern game development starts with the pitch meetings themselves, That used to be "how do we make the most fun game" to "how do we make the most profitable game?" Edit really how come I can get this many likes from a comment but view to no views on my own stuff🤣
  • AAA: Must DEI, must appease shareholders, must be live service, must attack fans for not mindlessly praising us, must blame fans for when game fails, must fire devs and give bonus to ceo AA: Must be fun, gets crapped on by IGN and other MSM, sells poorly and withers away, IGN then wonders what happened to AA games Indie: Must be creative, must be innovative, must send our message through art and entertainment, must make games as gamers Then you wonder what the problem with modern games are.
  • @jonahp1127
    What I’ve learned after the past couple of years, especially after the decline of Overwatch, is to stop caring about a companies track record. If Gordon Ramsey for some reason lost all his talent and served me bad food, I’m not going to convince myself it tasted good just because Gordon made it. This is what is happening in industry. Bad companies can turn around and make a banger, good companies can fall apart and take a dump on their consumers.
  • @lemond2007
    Grummz is right and the AAA devs know it. We do not buy AAA games for AT LEAST the next 2 years.
  • @dazeen9591
    A free game from 20 years ago offers better value than a $500 game today that's an issue
  • In my opinion triple A games are going through the same problem Hollywood and their movies are suffering from. They prioritise spectacle over quality, That’s why you can replay old games and rewatch old movies and never get sick of them meanwhile alot of movies and triple A games of today are played/watched once and then forgotten about.
  • @kowaikokoro
    cohh was cooking with his takes, would've never found the crabsouls game if AAA wasnt so slow this year and thats an indie i might've never tried else.
  • @emultra759
    Game devs in the 90s were computer scientists and artists hopped up on Aliens, LOTR, D&D, Dune, Arnold & Sly, Army of Darkness etc. They just wanted to make cool stuff. And team sizes of 5-50 made for offices with a more human scale. Just look at the development of Command & Conquer: some intern comes up with an idea that makes it into the game that same afternoon; the receptionist ends up becoming the announcer voice; people came in on weekends to multiplay the latest build. Publishers were relatively hands off thanks to better management and modest budgets. The whole thing had “garage but professional” feel to it.
  • @Haruka_May
    I don't need AAA games but I don't care about 98% of indie games either. Most feel like quirky time sinks and not the kind of stuff that make me really excited and passionate about gaming. I'd like to see more quality mid-tier releases. Stuff that has actual substance but doesn't waste most of the budget on graphics.
  • @TheGrimny
    The only reason asmon doesnt like vr is because hes fused to his chair
  • @wickedshaggy
    I feel like the developers that created the horse testicle physics in RDR2 were severely underutilized...
  • @plazmadood
    AAA might be headed towards another crash if they keep this up. There's still enough average consumers to keep them afloat, but their costs keep going up and people are starting to notice the dip in quality, or rather the lack of quality going up with price. Thank god for indies.
  • @turtleborn
    4:51 i agree except for one thing boobs physics , pls keep the boobs physics expert <3