ImAllexx's Friends Spoke Out...

ImAllexx's friends have spoken out about Alice's allegations against him. All of them have condemned Alex saying that it is "the worst thing they have ever seen". Additionally, I read tons of break-up texts Alex sent to his ex where he is desperate and begging. Slazo also returns and destroys Alex.

0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Slazo Responds
0:52 - iNabber
2:43 - Jake Baz
3:22 - Memeulous
3:54 - My Thoughts
5:11 - New Texts to Alice
8:17 - More Thoughts

コメント (21)
  • @katttgg
    the fact he had hit her before and threatened to kill her, if she broke up with him in person she would have died, statisically.
  • @doomguy19931
    Slazo: What's the matter, Alex? Lives flashing before your eyes?
  • @FranTheNerd
    It's completely fair to think his friends didn't know, I had a friend who turned out to be abusive and NONE of us knew for the better part of 2 years until the girl herself reached out to me.
  • Oftentimes, abusers will deliberately goad their victims into responding in a way that could be construed as abusive themselves in an effort to shift the blame to them. I see that happening in these screenshots. It doesn't matter if Alice lashed out at him- ANYONE would. It would be almost impossible not to.
  • @GR3ATS4G3
    Usually I just stay nobody's side until the person who got accused responds, but this....this is a completely different story, there's so much evidence on this man that I don't think he can defend himself or be innocent in this. This situation is scary and disgusting, I hope Alice is healing and is okay
  • @toast3591
    Even IF Alice was abusive back, I could only see it being out of self defence from Alex’s poor treatment of her. Many times toxic relationships will get to the point where both parties end up being mutually abusive and that’s usually after the victim gets pushed to their breaking point if they even get to that point if they don’t end up beaten or worse killed
  • @DeathsinkTV
    I think it is fair to assume that the friends didn't know, or knew very very little. As a person who has been in a similar situation and knows people who had experienced the same, the abusers know very well how to hide their awful behaviour from everyone. And then you get treated like you are crazy because "no way they are such a nice person they couldn't do something like that."
  • @fungi5350
    Poor inabber (I hope I don’t have to regret that one day). Got dumped from the YouTube group, then starts a new channel with Alex. Just to have it crumble too. Poor guy.
  • @tonitaylorr
    This is something that needs to be said to bring awareness to ALL types of abuse. There is no such thing as “mutual abuse”. The only way something gets labled as “mutual abuse” is actually reactive abuse which she herself has admitted to. “Reactive abuse” is when a perpetrator of abuse deliberately triggers their partner into reacting to their abusive behavior aggressively. Abusive partners may use this manipulative tactic to shift blame away from themselves by claiming that the abuse is two-sided. Clearly there isn’t equal power in the situation, in order for there to be anything mutual, there has to also be an equal power balance. So please be aware and careful when trying to advocate for victims of abuse because reactive abuse is always used in favor in the perpetrators instead of the victim and often timed given the label of mutual abuse as a way to absolve abusers of their actions.
  • @Scrabbledat
    iNabber posted a lengthy video recently.. On a topic where I’m alex’ name would naturally come up. It didn’t. That’s when I had a feeling something was off. Then this happens.
  • @Kalikaz1996
    I know the bars on the floors but I’m so happy that they spoke out about it
  • @buckyxcharms
    he gave me weird vibes before the slazo situation, but i think i just gaslit myself into thinking it was my own problem at the time. after the slazo situation, i genuinely couldn't look at him (or anyone else in that group) the same... and even then! i never believed he'd do something THIS effin horrendous. i hope alice is able to maintain her strength and support throughout this, and that alex just...rots. he deserves nothing better.
  • @rocksnrolls
    Dude needs to break out the Ukulele for this apology
  • @haobiniez
    glad they all denounced him..some ppl be staying quiet when their friend gets exposed. This is some serious shit and they should def make a statement considering how closely associated they are. Edit: seeing how they reacted to the slazo situation tho…this is bare minimum
  • tbf i noticed a couple messages calling his friends idiots, i can't imagine he was being truly himself around them either