2 Weird Money Habits That Tune Your Brain to an Abundance Mindset

Want to develop an abundance mindset? Marie Forleo shares some weird little rituals she’s developed around money that’ll train your brain to make and keep more of it.

A lot of these took root when she was struggling financially, buried in debt, and terrified to even think about money. These seemingly silly rituals helped her develop a healthier money mindset, invite more money in, appreciate what she’s got, and give more away.

In this video, Marie shares two of her weird little money habits that’ll train your brain for abundance and generosity.

#MarieTV​ #AbundanceMindset #MoneyMindset​

C'mon over to www.marieforleo.com/blog/money-habits for more discussion about this episode.

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コメント (20)
  • Every time I pay for something; I breathe, smile, and tell myself : "This will get back to me a thousandfold". It helps with trust & gratitude.
  • My money ritual since young age has been: never go for a second choice because your first choice costs more. Work, make more money and go get what you really want. Money comes like magic!
  • I'm not sure if you'd consider this weird, but i always thank the universe for providing me with abundance whenever i get paid. Gratitude is so important.
  • I write this on every payment receipt (electricity bill or supermarket...): "All I invest in myself pays for itself 7 times over". Started it when doing Deepak Choprah 21 days of abundance and keep doing it. I appreciate more everything I spend on.
  • My wife saves what she picks up in a separate jar and turns it in at the end of the year. She made over $85 from picked up change in 2013.
  • My weird money tip: I wrote 'Bills' on the file folder that kept my bills tidy followed with a little frown face. Everytime I went for it, I felt anxious, angry, depressed. It's a small change, but I changed the frown to a smile and it's made shift in my mindset when I sit down to calculate and pay bills! Small shifts! xo
  • Two days ago I walked past a penny - as I did my mind reminded me to turn around and pick it up! It is a way of graciously accepting the flow of money that is continuously flowing to me :)
  • OMG.. this was such an affirmation for me. I started doing this when I realized that by ignoring pennies on the ground I was telling the universe "no thank You" to money energy trying to come into my life. Now every time I see one I pick it up and declare to whoever I am with..." I get free money all the time".. or.... "money just flows to me"... or some other positive affirmation.
  • More often than not, when I go for a walk I find at least a penny on the ground. I always pick it up and say thanks. Then I tell myself that the universe is paying me to exercise lol
  • @mandy5836
    Try not to waste food or cheap things,it's not just about food ,but gratitude and respect about everything comes into my life
  • My best money ritual: I "pay it forward before I pay my taxes". Meaning before I set aside money for taxes, I set aside money for charities I believe in (and have them auto-deducted every month). It helps me feel grateful and joyful, focus on my blessings, and feel SO GOOD about making more money, since I give based on a percentage!
  • I totally started doing the first one a few weeks back and saw immediate results! I was having a day where I felt kinda broke... and I decided that I was going to be grateful for any little gift the universe gave me-- So when I saw 2 pennies, I picked them up and said "Thank you universe!" And felt as grateful as I would if I had received a large check. That day after that I kept finding/receiving random things-- a free drink, lunch delivered, and a message that I had some money in a 401k from 6 years ago (like a good chunk-a-change) I really recommend everyone try it and see what happens :)
  • What I do is clean out my wallet of all the scraps of paper so only the cards and cash I need are in there and this makes space for abundance and it has worked for me.
  • @mynx888
    When I was a kid, I would say “find a penny pick it up all day long you’ll have good luck”. As an adult that has changed. Thank you for reminding me of that! This was very helpful.😊
  • Oh wow I absolutely loved this. My 96 year old dad still picks up coins from the ground and he's completely IN HIS RIGHT MIND. In fact, he's the oldest man to run across the U.S. when he was 90 and is running back the other way at 96. He's easy to google, been on all the major news channels. I'm so proud of him. I only worried about him once while running a leg with him on his first run across the country, in New Mexico, while going up a mountain pass on a blind curve, I looked back at him and he had stooped over to pick up a dime. Me in the Lead, worrying about his safety as a semi truck was screeching its brakes coming down the mountain, and dad smiling at me shouting "HEY I FOUND A DIME." He was a child during the Great Depression and he would agree with you Marie.
  • I just found this video! And I’m really grateful for the reminder, I’ve been slacking recently. These are habits my mom and dad raised me with. 😄 they would scold me if they find loose change or small bills scattered in my room in random places and tell me to respect my money and take care of it so I may have the opportunity to take care of more. 😄 blessings of abundance to everyone who comes on here! 🤗💰💰💰
  • @ikonora
    I've always done those two things! ESPECIALLY the second one, my mom taught me to organize the money like that! It makes a huge difference and I have no problems when it comes to money! I've never had problems with money! It comes easily and I thank the Universe!
  • I do both of these habits and keeping my money 'right and tight' is a must. Some people make fun of me for it, but I never let it matter. I always know what I have in my wallet and that I am taking really good care of it. I think this attitude of abundance is a blessing.
  • @milah344
    When I recieve money in any form (direct deposit payments, found on the street, as a gift) I feel appreciation and I always say thank you, even if it's silently in my head. Thanking the universe for the abundance in your life shows up as more abundance! Thanks for this video!