Chris Rock - I made it


コメント (21)
  • @BodyByBenSLC
    My father worked as a roofer for decades. In the winter he did insulation and upholstery. My mother slept until 3pm smoked like a chimney and never left the chair in front of TV. When she divorced him, she got the house, money, property set for life. My father got nothing for the back breaking work he did. It is a trap, never get married.
  • Chris Rock got married for two reasons: 1. To have children. 2. For material for stand-up comedy.
  • @lc500yyc
    That's why Chris is a legend, he makes material that's hilarious and hits home at the same time
  • @donh1572
    I got lucky. I got full custody of the kids, no child support, no alimony, and the house. God bless my kids for telling the judge they want to live with Dad and I am glad they did, because their mother abandoned them after that. That was 7 years ago and she is still not in the picture, but I still don’t talk bad about her
  • Once your wife does a "quiet quit", its over. Couple therapy is to prove to herself ,her conscience and her friends that "she tried to make it work".
  • ….’cause you never know when you may need “receipts of love”….. Damn Chris!! That line alone is a testament to your genius….
  • @MoiraPraline
    Chris has always been open about his marriage ending due to His cheating.
  • @LydellAaron
    As a dad who went through custody court, this was a good set and very relatable. I like how he takes accountability for his situation.
  • @devonoved7
    Chris and David Chappell can now talk true life with no pretense.
  • The problem is that family court does that exact same sht to men who havent "made it". They are left penniless living in their cars.
  • @Hadouken9000
    "Lady Gaga made me a grilled cheese sandwich!" The hardest I've laughed at a stand-up joke in quite some time. Chris Rock is a genius when he's talking about relationships and people. He's always been honest without being too cynical. I would give anything to see him in more more SNL skit again, too.
  • Chris This is SO funny and SO True! I divorced my wife cause she was a psychopath and had anger issues. The 1st judge was black female and hated men. I wrote a letter to her boss and they censored her. She got transferred out of family court in NJ. Courts treat men like garbage. It's sad.
  • @AP-gb3eh
    I love Chris Rock - always have always will! He’s so smart ,so funny ,just real !
  • He speaks the truth..I left my ex mentally years before I physically left. There was no turning back.
  • @NotTheWheel
    I think the first Man lesson I learned is. Don't lie. Which ifso facto means don't cheat. Whenever you lie it always comes back to you.
  • my dad used to tell me one day you'll find yourself out here on your own and alone, those words one day will finally hit home, either sooner or later.
  • I will say this as a Man that we are willing to hold ourselves Accountable and we have the Courage to own that Accountability in front of the whole world. My Father blamed my mother for a lot of things, but eventually he did admit to his actions, but my Mother NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER admitted that she did one thing wrong in their brief 4yr marriage and she spent the next 30yrs reminding him over and over blaming him for what he did! She never remarried, while he went on get married 3 times. 13yrs after he died, she visited his gravesite and spent 30 whole minutes in our store talking to the customers of the family business that he built and blaming him for getting remarried twice; when she was the one that filed for the divorce. I know for a fact today that I couldn't marry a woman like my mother, because she doesn't know how to let go of a grudge or take any accountability for her demanding, blame-drunk, disagreeable nature. While I pray for her to heal those deep wounds that she refuses to forgive all these years later.
  • One of the few comedians that achieves a mix of deep issues on a deep level with comedic elan. This skit throws his confession in as bonus. You gotta respect his maturity as a man, as unlike so many that blame the woman who fleeced them in the divorce settlement stage, he 'fesses up, takes full responsibility without blaming someone else (a woman/women), and doesn't tar all with the same brush. It's quite remarkable and sadly rare these days. That's a flawed but now mature and attractively intelligent man. imho