YTP: Friar's Rubbing Wood - Fall Of Nottingham

Publicado 2022-03-19
While the society of Nottingham focuses it's efforts on petty crooks and thieves, a greater danger lurks under the surface. Will Nottingham rise to the challenge? Or will this be it's fall?

Well, after more than a year in production, this project that started off as mere filler that evolved into our longest, most complex and challenging videos is finally complete!

To say this video was taxing (pun intended) would be a major understatement! Upon receiving so much excitement from our followers for Robin Hood it soon became clear, that this project was going to have to be different. We couldn't just be content to make a "silly" YTP but because of how beloved the Disney classic was, we felt it was our duty to try to match the quality of the source material to the best of our ability.

The story came fairly slowly to me compared to our previous big projects. Usually before production, the story comes almost instantly and from beginning to end with grey areas. However this time it was different. As some of you may remember, back in 2019 we had big plans for a "Sword In The Stone" YTP that was intended to be a homage to everything classic Disney. But at that time, it proved too complex for what I wanted the story to be. By the time "Friar" came along inspiration for the project had evaporated. And considering the hype from our followers, we both decided to re purpose my ambitions from "Sword" and make "Robin Hood" the Classic Disney homage we intended back in 2019.

The original story was going to involve multiple Robin Hoods all claiming to be the real Robin, however after studying the multiple films, this avenue soon proved to not only be improbable but also a tad generic. So instead the focus came to Friar Tuck, who upon inspecting the Disney classic proved to have immense villain potential! We are very grateful to the "Church Scene" in "Robin Hood" because nearly every stream of dialogue for Friar in our YTP stems from that scene XD!

Some of the technical challenges came from the limitations in actual footage of the characters from the film. As it may come as a shock for some to learn that each character (apart from Prince John & Sir Hiss) have very little screen time. The solution to this dilemma was to hand animate the characters frame for frame, depending what we needed them for. One example was Friar's cannon scene. We took the footage of Geppetto striking a match on his rear behind from Pinocchio. However, it wasn't a straightforward case. As Geppetto's height and lankiness proved ill fitted for the Friar's short stoutness. Nevertheless, after much guess work, three weeks and 38 frames later it was completed!

The biggest challenge was how to pay respect to the legend of Robin Hood. Having been raised up on both the Disney and 1938 Robin Hoods, it would've been the height of impertinence to not include the original 1938 "Adventures of Robin Hood" and who better to chose than Robin's adversary; Sir Guy of Gisbourne played by the legendary Basil Rathbone, who is another of our Grandads favorite actors.

During production, after we discovered that Sir Hiss was literally based on the Gisbourne role, decided to make these two have an intense dislike for each other. As technically they are the same character, they pretty much can't exist in the same universe. It was very rewarding making these two interact with each other. It felt like it was meant to be.

Another ambition of mine for this project was to try and apply some of the techniques that some of the masters of cinema have pioneered. One of them was the theory of Visual Literacy applied by, IMO, the greatest director of all time; Martin Scorsese, who was a major source of inspiration for this video. The scene where Friar Tuck summons the sun is done with this theory in mind. It informs the audience that Friar is fulfilling what we saw from his book in the cave before. It highlights too that unlike the people of Nottingham who are being fooled into believing he is benevolent, the act is literally the opposite. As some would see the clearly obvious religious parallels of the shot where Friar poses like the Biblical prophets of old. His silhouette unlike an angel is one of darkness instead of light.

We have both been so moved by the response in the comments from you all. We are deeply moved and grateful.

Due to extreme fatigue however, we will be taking a months break as we have neglected other areas of our lives to make this video possible. We hope you will understand. But rest assured, we will be back in late April with smaller YTP's and then resume work onto the much anticipated "One James Is Not Enough" YTP!

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Todos los comentarios (20)
  • "Jesus died for our sins, one more won't hurt" is the rawest line I've ever heard in a YTP. You guys never disappoint!
  • @Mr.Anderson9323
    This man took a side character from Robin Hood and turned him into a full fledged supervillain! Truly amazing.
  • @parsleyisthicc
    "Saluting the sun, yields eternal destruction." That's so terrifying lol
  • @kingcamelot1395
    The Destruction of Nottingham is perhaps one of the greatest tragedies known to modern man. The town of Nottingham and its residents were utterly vaporized in an instant. Their culture, their history, and even their memory were completely obliterated within minutes. However, call it a miracle if you like, there are a handful of survivors of the great purge who live on to carry the memory of Nottingham. These are their stories. Robin Hood and Little John After the massacre that was the Battle of the Ara Ara Turd, Little John wisely came to the conclusion that the price on their head would skyrocket, and that it was no longer safe for them to linger in Nottingham. After one last night of fun and pleasure in the town, the two packed their things and caught the bus that would take them as far away from Nottingham as possible. Then, a beam of light rained down from the sky, and from the safe distance of the bus, they watched in horror as the very thing they were running from, and the place they had protected from the shadows for many years, was destroyed right before their eyes. Their transgressions against the Crown had been completely cleared away, but only because few now lived who remembered them. Even so, the duo continued to live their life of crime, never staying in one place for too long, robbing the rich and feeding the poor. But there wasn't any fun in it anymore. Robin Hood leaned further into his sex addiction and could be found in the town brothel when he wasn't robbing. Little John tries in vain to get him to quit, being too loyal to just cut him off. Still, this is the only life they've ever known, and they sorrowfully look to the horizon and head to the future. The Sheriff of Nottingham Friar Tuck was hailed as a hero in Nottingham for banishing the Laughton Moon and saving the town. Except for the Sheriff. Something didn't seem right about what had happened, and he had decided to tail Friar Tuck on his journey to Vegas. Sheriff would spend his years investigating Friar Tuck, finally discovering the truth of what happened that night, when he shared a night of drunken passion with the Friar. His late night show, which became popular seemingly overnight, was secretly a plot to expose Friar's transgressions to the world. He died from a bullet wound to the head after Friar had discovered what he'd done. Trigger the Vulture Trigger was spared from the fiery fury of the sun when he was tasked by the Sheriff to help him tail Friar Tuck. He helped the Sheriff with his investigations for a time, but he eventually went his own path, and used his background as a guard to become an officer of the law, serving under the esteemed Chief Wiggum. On the night that the Sheriff was murdered, Trigger was the first on the scene, intent to put the murderer behind bars, whom to his victim, he owed his very life to. Mr. Mole and Mr. Rat After the Ara Ara Turd, the two friends decided that it was time to take a trip. Things were becoming dangerous in Nottingham, and it had been so very long since they had a vacation. This decision ultimately saved their lives, as they were on the same bus as Robin Hood and Little John were on when the Sun sent his righteous fury onto the little town. Everything they owned was in Nottingham, so it became a struggle to start life anew. But they keep looking to the future, as that's what they believed their fallen friends would have wanted for them. Lady Cluck's Husband After the mysterious disappearance of his wife, there wasn't much keeping her newlywed husband tied to Nottingham. He found friendship and companionship in Mrs. Rabbit for a time, as she had also lost her eldest son on the same day. But ultimately, it became too much for him. He took a bus out of Nottingham and never looked back. He witnessed the town he ran from be reduced to a crater. Everything his wife loved and cared for was completely gone. With no closure over his wife's disappearance, he turned to drink. He has been to many bars and rehab centers since. Yet, he continues to live, for to do anything less would be to dishonor his wife's memory. Rabbit Rabbit was one of the few people that actually benefited from Nottingham's destruction. Thanks to the kindly efforts of Roquefort the Mouse during the Battle of the Ara Ara Turd, his lock had been undone. With a few strong shakes, his imprisonment broke free. He ran and never looked back, getting as far away from Nottingham as possible. Like Robin Hood, his crimes against society were wiped away with Nottingham. But unlike Robin Hood, he saw his town's obliteration as a sign of penance. Taking this sign to heart, and choosing not to waste the opportunity Roquefort gave his life for, he dedicated himself to the betterment of humanity. He trained as a cop and became top of his class, being assigned to Chief Wiggum. He and Trigger would often do cases together, who, for some reason or another, chose not to reveal Rabbit's criminal past. Perhaps he saw that Rabbit was trying to change, perhaps he believed that their past didn't matter anymore, maybe he simply didn't care. Whatever the reason, Rabbit was grateful for his silence. Prince John and Sir Hiss Endlessly wandering the Cosmos. Who knows what adventures await them? The Rooster Blessed with the powers of being a Narrator, his invincibility made the Sun's Wrath feel like a sunbath. As long as there is a story to tell, he will live to tell it. He's perhaps the only one who could tell you what really happened in Nottingham.
  • @ShahroozSmith
    You know... it took me a while to realize that Friar Tuck has the Maid Marian voodoo doll and knowing that he has Black Magic on hand. He was the one who sent that demonic version of Maid Marian after Skippy and stole his soul away. Friar Tuck cursed Skippy to eternal damnation...OVER AN ICE POP.
  • @remag-yx4ed
    Remember when YTPs were just memey shitposts? Now they're feature length films with plots and everything. This was incredible to watch. Much respect.
  • @Daikuro1
    There's something incredibly hardcore about Robin saying "I'm an atheist!" after literally burning in Hell earlier that day.
  • You turned one of the sweetest interpretations of friar Tuck into a murderous dark sorcerer. Glorious.
  • I love how Nottingham here is a medieval village surrounded by the modern world. ha.
  • @edwardreed67
    I love all the little references to obscure British shows and movies that people in the Americas and around the world generally don't even know the existence of and I love it.
  • @ImpyWorm
    Creating a cohesive plot out of random characters cleanly ripped out of everything under the sun never ceases to amaze me.
  • @Marshal_Silver
    Let's all take a moment to realize Friar Tuck committed genocide all because someone took his popcicle...
  • @Jerberjer
    I wanted to point the sly joke 3:50 with chief wiggum. He's said "Take him away, boys" plenty of times in the actual show, but the author here took the ONE time he said "Bake 'em away, Toys" and rearranged the audio to have it be said 'correctly'. This was completely needless task, but brilliant
  • @theaxbowlotl
    Why was this genuinely so good? Like, the dialogue between characters that don't even exist within the same franchises somehow flows way too smoothly. I'm especially impressed with Gisbourne and Hiss's rivalry. You somehow made two characters who aren't even in the same dimensional plane work with a rivalry that's so well crafted.
  • @aderose
    If there should ever be a sequel, Fryer Tuck should square off against Judge Claude Frollo. Two sides of the same coin, both men and depraved followers of god.
  • The moment I saw Little John ride into battle on a Tyrannosaurus, I had no doubt that humanity has finally reached its peak.
  • This YTP has "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" level of quality in its finest.